I'm curious

Does anyone have an official statement where Blizz said frogging was “cheating” or an “exploit” or “against ToS/Eula”? You know, since everyone keeps using these terms to make themselves feel better cause they aren’t as strong as others.


The exact quote here was;

A small number of players received an extreme advantage that has distorted the gameplay experience for some in WoW Remix.

People took “unfair advantage” and rocketed that into the ceiling with “SEE HE’S EXPLOITING NOW” / “CHEATER”

Blizzard also sorta made the “unfair” part themselves by repeatedly nerfing any avenue people had to catch up. It was fair for anyone that put the time in until they created the wall artificially.


No. They never used those terms. They also never actioned anyone’s account for doing it (that we know of). They just “tuned” the players that had used that method to bring them more in line with where they expected them to be.

It isn’t a cheat, but it certainly wasn’t playing as intended.

Although one could make an argument that it was, seeing as Blizzard advertised the event as an OP experience, but launched it w/ sky high upgrade prices, mundane quest farms for minimal cloak power upgrades, and laughably small cloak boosts from dungeons/etc.

So they advertised it as an OP experience, delivered a rerun of 5.4 to bide time until TWW, and then players found an exploit to actually get the experience they were promised. Really that simple. Its original condition was so painfully asinine that all it was missing was #$%$ing Pathfinder.

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Its funny there was a legitimate exploit bypassing the 10 per hour instance limit but everyone would rather complain about 4x4s, yknow, something people do and have done forever in this game.