Ilvl392 Shadow priest is looking for a home

Our alliance guild raids sat and sun at noon server ( 3pm eastern) for 3 hours we are not hardcore or too casual we are a healthy in between, hit me up if you wanna chat. Seinneka#1436 Happy Gaming :slight_smile:

no weekend morning guilds out there?

Tue/Sun 8:30pm-11:30pm PST | 1/9M but we are very confident in our abilities. We just need a few more dedicated raiders. |
Got some spam for ya:

Bnet: StudMuffin#1856

^^^ no alliance out there? ^^^

^^^ come on, alliance friends ^^^

Alliance 7/7 6/7 H
Heroic raiding guild has gotten AoTC since Panda
Raids Tues - thurs 8-11 PM CST if a night dosenā€™t work for you weā€™ll work with that

i know thats all cut and paste but it gives you what you might wanna know before thinking of any server xfers or whatnot. Btag : Squick#1157 if your interested hit me up, make an alt and chill with us, weā€™ll xrealm invite for raids if you wanna try us out first.

^^^ any alliance morning weekend guilds out there? ^^^

I wish I was an alliance weekend guild I would offer you a spot in a heart beat. Iā€™m still going to add you and message you :smiley: (candykylla#1231)! Hopefully we can see if I can snag me another shadow priest!!!