Ilvl spread (seeking addon for bgs avg teams ilvl)

We know it’s worse than ever, but I’m trying to find out if there is some addon that can expose my team’s average ilvl and the enemy avg ilvl, so I know whether or not it’s worth even trying in the BG I get stuck into. Sometimes the spread is ludicrous, especially after it devolves into a 6v10 (and we’re the ones left undergeared).

Wouldn’t it be far less of a hassle with less downside than to just start the game out trying?

ION stated that every level is roughly 1% power so you ate 33% less powerful than I am and I’m 20% less powerful than the top players. They do this so people will buy carries


No. Not when it’s this bad. My time can be spent doing world quests for conduits or gold to buy boosts instead.


Please don’t buy a boost. You are only supporting these horrible systems blizzard has put in place and reinforcing their decision.

Just make a friend and do some 2s. Get 14 Hundo and BGs aren’t that bad.

Even if I did buy a boost, which I’m not saying I definitely will, I’m not the one who offers game time -slash- Blizzard Bucks for gold though. The whole ecosystem of “PvP Guide” and “BiS PvE Guide” is an entire market/economy that Blizzard continually flatters. Rando-player me doing any one particular thing isn’t “making it” or “breaking it”. Ethics starts with governance (which looking top-down, bleak for Blizzard).

I didn’t start this thread though for a conversation about boosts or “sticking it out”. I legitimately want help finding an addon that gives avg ilvl for both sides of a BG, or some help understanding the Lua components that would go into it. Kinda sad that the best we usually do is a redirect to a third party Discord or Website (exactly the economy garbage that truly perpetuates the boost systems).


I did some ilvl testing in 9.0.5 looking at the average ilvl of players in epic bgs alliance vs horde. The addon I used to collect ilvl data was OILVL it lets you export item level into a table to do your analysis. It still works however IT DOES NOT SHOW PVP ILVL correctly so keep that in mind.

That may not be an issue if you are comparing the difference between the two factions since all measurements would be equally wrong for both sides, but you couldn’t make a statement like “the average ilvl for alliance players is between X and Y ilvl” since your measurements don’t show pvp scaled ilvl.

As far as i know, you cannot get enemy players ilvl since you can’t inspect them directly. I think you would have to manually search every enemy player after the game finishes.

Here’s the post i made

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An alternative way to compare your team vs the enemy team is to record the health of your team and the enemy team. The average health is probably a good indicator of how geared each team is, just make sure to remove any bonus health effects each team has so that you are looking at their base health. Also ignore tanks.

It looks like you can use these two API functions to get health info on your current target so an addon could probably be made which collects health info for your team and the other team.


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You could probably use the same assumption as:

Thanks for the help!

No problem!

If both teams have the same buffs then yeah that wouldn’t be an issue. Problem is there are so many health bonuses now its not just priest. Kyrians have a 5% health bonus based on proximity (i think its called mentorship?) Guardian druids sometimes run Den mother 15% bonus health based on proximity, there’s also bg food which gives a static 10% health bonus. I’m sure there are others i’m missing.

Using base health would avoid these issues. I might look into making a macro which prints out the targets base health using the API functions above.

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Could just download battlegroundenemies and check the health bars of the toons on both sides.

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Just gonna agree with Macabre here. I use Battleground Targets and it shows your team’s and the enemy team’s players and you can just click on them and eyeball each side to get a sense of who is stronger. Not really helpful in Epic BGs since there are too many players to look at but I suspect Epic BGs are more often close to even ilvl between both teams due to the large number of players.

But yea, this addon has truly illuminated just how rediculous BGs are without some kind of system that tries to balance out average ilvl on both teams (assuming gear progression remains a feature of BGs).

When you join a BG and one team totally out-gears the other, its not a BG. Its just an instance where one team attacks low-level NPCs for 5 minutes.


I mean this is really the issue. @Delro’s link was really great at aggregating the information; however, the real question is how that gear is distributed per game. Games with 3-4 people sub 30k into a full 40k+ team, you’re 90%+ going to lose. And as some other people note, I usually stick it out until the first wipe / objective attempt to take a guess at how the match is going to end up, but honestly, I think I’m able to just use aggregate measure like player HP to make that determination just as well only earlier and get that reset timer ticking.

Some good advice @Macabre and @Bangerang. I appreciate your posts. Thank you!

Yep I have used battleground enemies for a long time now and as said above you can tell how a match will usually go based off how geared the team is. There is a very very small chance you might win still but it’s very rare and usually not worth the frustration

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Pretty sad reality that the game is in a state where folks are in a position to do this sort of thing.

It’s human nature though; why bother doing something that’s essentially pointless?

(And yeah, I try to avoid auto leaving but I think in the past few months when I have done that “analysis” before the gates open I have only been wrong once, and it was a great win :slight_smile:

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Made this weakaura that shows the targets base health and predicts their ilvl using that number. It’s not a perfect estimation (it breaks when you target a tank) but it gives a rough estimate on how geared an enemy player is.