iLvl for rating is bad and punishing

Disclaimer: I’m not good. My best rating ever is like 1800. I’m not hiding behind a level 1 alt or claiming I’d be glad if gearing were different.


In every season I’ve PVP’d since Cataclysm I’ve been able to reach 1600 or higher with a little effort. Now? Can’t seem to cross 1400 so I’m soon to be completely stuck on iLvl; and have already been facing higher geared people to try and climb. Not to to mention weeks ago- I noticed tons of people I was fighting already had the new glad mount and way higher iLvl.

Climbing is a nightmare right now and gear disparity for fully conquest geared players in arena is a terrible system.


Gear scaling is out of control and carries are rampant. Hell I just watched a chanimal video where he’s Qing with some random paladin at 1800mmr and they face pikaboo.

At1800 mmr. Imagine being some 1700+ cr kid trying to get your rival and you run into a game with multi rank one players on both sides.

League has a system where you cannot q with people two brackets or more above you, I.E. bronze can’t q with a diamond player in duo q. Maybe Blizzard needs to look into this to stop carries, and gear shouldn’t be scaling this hard this early.


Funny you mention League because my little brother is my 2s partner and we’ve been playing LoL to cool down when we’re fed up with 2s because it feels so much more fair lol

Edit: also wtf facing pikaboo at 1800 is ridiculous wow


Yeah because Riot is an actually competent company that cares about the integrity of their game. Theres a reason LCS is an actual E-sport scene and AWC is a joke.


Get this man a pvp developer job.


Well I’m pretty much a 1300 dk so I’m probably over qualified


So for context. Pikaboo was probably playing with a rando viewer like he always do and Chanimal was trying out lfg after meming the lfg system. So he queue up with some rando who is 1400-1600 player and they just so happen to meet Pika in a game

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my fav part is spending 8k honor for 6 ilvls


At least you can upgrade gear. M+ players have to just accept their hard earned 210 ilvl gear without any upgrade option.

Pikaboo was playing with that destro lock dude whos trying to be a streamer or something. Regardless, its toxic af and super frustrating for people trying to push to lets say play some 10 minute dampening game vs people of the same skill and then next game you get absolutely destroyed by pikaboo and lose the points you legitimately earned.

I understand 2s isn’t a competitive bracket but when people are playing and trying to learn it is a super toxic system that people like pikaboo can q with 1400cr kids, play at 1800mmr and destroy 1700cr players trying to push. I dont watch streamers that do that because it’s pretty bm.

It’s the same thing in 3s. Look at Asmongold, he gets glad every season Qing with two rank 1 players that carry him unbelievably hard. The during season achievements have created a system where carries are encouraged because unless you are pushing for rank 1, once you get glad and gear there is 0 reason to sit rating. Titles and rewards need to be moved back to end of season rewards or nothing will change.

Most of the “Gladiators” since the BFA system are actually duelists.


leave it up to gwenchan to plug m+ into arena forums

nice one gwenchan hope youre enjoying DH life at least they have self heals TEEHEE


Right? I’ll gladly take the upgrade option over bfa normal ilvl loot from pvp.

i dont get what this means

there are people on glad mounts with 42k health at 1500 lol in 2s. at this point it’s just luck about what you queue into


You should probably cancel your sub and submit feedback as to why you are canceling.

This is going to sound terrible but I really hope the Riot MMO coming takes this game down

After what they’ve done to Mistweavers, unacceptable


Blizzard is a washed up as its playerbase. Its time for new blood.

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it’s kind of like playing basketball in high school, and every once in a while, the other team has LeBron, just chilling on the other team. Yeah, they paid whatever he gets paid per game to have him on their team and he’s just like “yeah sure, why not”

Viewer 2s with Lebron.

Poor 15 year old kids getting dunked on.


that’s basically what Pikaboo does lol