Adorn yourself in the light and shadow of the cosmos with the Heavenly Regalia Pack, which includes two color variants, each an embodiment of celestial finery.
I think it’s time for clothing to get a visual upgrade to take it a step up like you did with housing. These look nice but they could be vastly better too. Crank that engine tech up man!
I’d rather adorn myself in the heroic piece we were supposed to receive from Plunderstorm.
omg have to buy it? not on Trading Post? poop
The sets are ugly, so easy pass.
I do find it interesting that it’s Arathi themed, tho.
I don’t really see any Arathi theme in there. I just see Aztec/Mayan warrior in it.
Looks like a priest tier set tbh.
Btw when are we gonna get a revamped transmog system? Categories of holding different mogs and such. The one we have is limited imo.
I would like the set if the pants were more of that open jacket suit style like DF legs and the fancy Pirate themed ones from plunderstorm. They have their place, like Druid and Paladin if you pieced it together well enough
Do Demon stuff next, Blizzard!
You never do Demon stuff anymore
How about Kil’jaeden cosplay?
It’d be great if you spent less time on trying to milk the cash shop and more time on the game we pay a monthly fee for. Especially considering the low effort recycled content for the past few years.
Uh… did the marketing team half-a$$ this or what? I mean the set itself is subjective. Love it or hate it, doesn’t really matter. GG art person(s), I guess. But selling it with a single image that doesn’t even showcase the entire product is… bad.
I’ll wait for the trading post, thanks.
I bet this looks like total garbage on a pandaren.
They look like two phases of a boss fight in an RPG where you’re fighting against a tyrannical sun god.
Yeah, what happened with that? I never got mine.
The sun/moon theming combined with the rest of the design makes it look like the designer tried making a mage, priest, or paladin tier set, then decided to turn it into a druid set halfway through.
looks like a great paladin set
Peddling wares instead of doing some class balance and bug fixing.
I jumped thinking we were getting player auras.
Art department’s random leftover assets and marketing department have zero to do with class balance and bug fixing.
It’s fine to not be happy about the cash shop if people want… but let’s try to use some logic in our complaints, please.