Illidan - Good Vibes Wed/Thur 7:30pm-10:30pm CST

Team Name: Good Vibes
Guild: Envelop
Realm: Illidan

Wednesdays & Thursdays (7:30 - 10:30p CST) Realm Time

Progression Type: Mythic pushing CE

CURRENT PROGRESSION: Awakened Raids: VotI: AOTC/2/8M, Amirdassil AOTC/5/8M

Good Vibez is a mythic-minded semi-hardcore raid team formed in patch 7.2.5. We come together each week to slay internet dragons, get those epics, and have fun as a group of online friends. Our goal is to push as far into Mythic, ideally get CE.

Current Needs: DPS with Strong OS heals, Mage, Boomkin, Warrior. We’ll consider any competent DPS!


Add us on Discord: Rainess or BT: Rain#11158

Come check us out

I have a 444 ret pal 6/9M( stopped playing in June or July because of new job schedule otherwise would be 9/9M).

I am looking for a good 2-day guild. I also have a boomkin and mage I can play. They aren’t as geared but I can play those if needed.

My battlenet is Mercs#1499 and my discord is @homicid3.

I send you a friend request on discord

443 Aug Evoker w/ legendary. Used to be former CE and raid mythic but had to take time off from organized raiding this xpac due to work schedule and RL stuff. Looking to get back into mythic raiding after thanksgiving(new work schedule) and have pugged normals/heroics this xpac. Feel free to reach out on discord DanKehd#1705

Sent you a discord friend

Mage, DK, Shadow Priest. Any competent DPS

Looking for a Boomkin and ranged players!

Come check us out!

Come prog with us!

Come check us out!

Still looking