Illidan Alliance Reconnections

Nuuana- Female dwarf priest.
Heliheals- Female dwarf priest.
Pharcyde- male nightelf priest.

Guild hopper. I cant remember all of them.
I remember so many of you and this is beautiful.

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  • Hetteus - Human Warrior - Protection
  • Hell Crew

To those Hell Crew still around (saw a couple) sadly I switched horde and will be playing with a horde group come launch. Feel free to add me to bnet if you wish to talk. Astrus#1108

  • Sentry - Night Elf - Warrior /// Llanowar - Night Elf - Priest

  • Warpath, Prophecy

  • PLaying with Shinron, Acidreign, and some of the other warpath boys

  • BNET - Reset#1777

  • Discord - Sentry#2475

  • New character is Reset - Herod.

  • Alliance

@Kouto, @Tullius, @Zithromax, @Dyn

WEENS!!! Do you remember Kerka from Vanilla?! :slight_smile:

yep i remember pershephone and kerka sound familiar as well you playing Herod too?

Holy s*** dude I remember you! Female night elf warrior if I remember correctly.

I used to play Persephone Night Elf Priest and Soulreaver Warlock but I went by Kerka.

Yeah I was planning on it, just up and down about switching to Stalagg or not. Hmu on discord james#7578

Played as several characters throughout the expansions:
Jaer - NE Warrior
Shyle - NE Warrior
Chippie - Dr. Shaman
Janette (I think that’s how I spelled it) - NE Hunter

Main Guild was Explicit (Vanilla - Part of TBC), then I swapped to another guild in TBC (can’t remember the name of the guild though) before xferring servers in Wrath.

Omg I saw WEENS and Zithromax!

This is Daedalus, Nelf warrior from Warpath :smiley: actually it was Warpathetic after BWL :joy:

My wife is Anilo, a Nelf Hunter also from Warpath

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Yoooo DAED add me Reset#1777

Sentry / Llanowar

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@Daedalus - yep, remember you for sure! I will NOT be partaking in 8 hours MC runs again… just checking in. Remember to check out my sweet pvp vid from 2008!!

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Omg remember when David flaked out and it was me and Toomassa as Ragnaros tanks? I had literally zero fire resist gear and was tank-2


I was Thorek on Illidan server Alliance. First a Hunter, then a Druid.
Now a Priest :slight_smile:

:open_mouth: Add me on bnet! My tag is Sym#11910
I’m likely rolling on Grobbulus server as Horde and will be playing pretty casually. But it’d be nice to chat a bit at least.

Warpath people be sure to get in the discord server :slight_smile:

  • Ama Mage Human
  • Can’t remember my Priest’s name
  • Inflatable Friends then Serenity Now (guild leader for a time)
  • Bohica and other guildmates from that vanilla era

openfriday lives


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Tohkin! <3

Server: Illidan
Faction: Alliance

Played as a couple different toons.
Huntermerc- NE Hunter
Roguemerc - Human Rogue

Listing in order I was in:
Guilds: Error Please try again, Critical Error, Clan Imbruim, Jinxed

Please feel free to contact me:
Battle net: Ruffues#1412
Discord: ZeroFoxGiven#0092

For Classic Playing on:
Fairbanks - Alliance (maining)
Whitemane - Horde

Look forward to talking to you guys again and possibly hanging out!

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rofl @ priest used to stack armor and duel outside IF


Weaksauce - Gnome Mage
Dork, Prophecy, Serenity Now

Lot of familiar names here. Not sure where I’ll end up, might depend on how ridiculous the queues are.

Kerka, I remember you. This is Samsy/Duckky

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What up I rememebr both of you. Hit me up!