Illidan Alliance Reconnections

Gudran, GudranmarkII - dwarf rogue
Gudranmial - NE druid

Likely gonna give give classic a shot, hoping to do so with some familiar faces.
battlenet ID: Fuzzygrunt#1120

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Natureself - Night Elf Druid

Guilds: Cynical, Perseverance

Maida its me Bloodthirstx, i was in Resurrection with you!

Zieg - Hum war

ELvN pvp guild, Looking for Lohengrin, Mavdualgun, Luckystrikes and the gangs!

Dehan; Night Elf Rogue. Was part of PoBD, Oracle of Kaoz and one more (sadly can’t remember).

EDIT: Leveling up, I was part of a guild called Six Feet Under!

It’s really nice seeing a bunch of the OG Guild tags being mentioned; the nostalgia is in full effect.

Hoochiekoo -Huamn Warlock

Mained Cleodora - Shaman in TBC

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Malkiery - Human Rogue
Glaucos - Human Priest
Glaucs/Saladar - Human Paladin

Guilds: GoW, Resilience, Nocturnal, The Guardians

Kouto - Gnome Mage

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Wutank - night elf Warrior

Do you guys have idea what server you wanna roll on? Would like to be able to play with some of the old illidan players. Would like to be PvP / Alliance still.

NE Hunter - Moldred
Guild: Dork and Desolation

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Lollermitten - Human Warrior
Elfenrirjr - NE Shadow Priest
Fruityloop - Human Deathknight

Guilds - Explicit, Enix, Argent Dawn/Crusade


How’s your bird?

Super proud of the Desolation representation.

Holiroller - Dwarf Priest

Guilds: Saga (for like a minute), Desolation


Elfco - night elf Rogue
Panamared -gnome warlock
guilds: way of the forgotten , Enix , defiant , resurrection.

nocturnal that brings back memories

Silvus, Night Elf Priest.

I’ll probably be playing on a normal server unless some old friends find me and talk me out of it.

Myschala, Human Warlock
Nightshann, Night Elf Priest
Guild: Vae Victis

shout out to:
any of the guys who came over from VEA in SWG


Kimitsu - Human warlock
Guild - Nocturnal (yo @Samsy and @Elfco)

tohkin, human rogue, serenity now then saga


Gasper - gnome warrior
Bavmorda - gnome rogue

Guild - Desolation

Would be fun to play with original illidan people again. Cool to see some familiar names!

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