I'll be hanged for bringing this up

Pointing out someone’s ignorance of a subject isn’t a personal attack.


Really? Where?


This 100%.


Ok I’m bored now. When does the real drama start? Because the stuff being provided to me keeps boring me far too quickly.

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I assume congrats on trust level 3 are in order?

Unfortunately, no. YouTube links are allowed with level 2.

Funny things actually have to be funny though. “n word lmao” isn’t funny. Reporting people like that is just saving everyone’s time.


They’re Millennial snowflakes.

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Cruel and thoughtless people are always looking for excuses to be cruel and thoughtless. When they hurt , they accuse others of being weak or angry or thin skinned. They often speak in terms of what they can do, rarely if ever what they should do. Their rebuttals are mockery, or jabs at others , intelligence, or character. In the end, they have no interest in the well being of others , and wrongfully believe other people are as bad as they , so feel justified in explaining situations that RE frame all arguments in those terms. Courage is never doing and saying whatever you want, no man has been called a hero in these terms. It’s knowing what to say and how to say it. It’s having the ability to hurt more, say more, push more, but having the discipline to offer a measured response. These men and women do not walk softly and carry big sticks, they bluster loudly and when push comes to shove carry no stick at all.


oh, oh, do me next

Y’all are not very smart. We live in very racially tense times. If you are unaware of that you’ve been living under a rock.

Saying racist crap in general isn’t acceptable. Saying it’s “just words” is pure ignorance. The trend I’ve seen is everyone feels they have a right to be a douche bag and not be called out on it.

Free speech has consequences. If you want to spout out racist garbage, people can also choose to tell you they don’t like hearing it, goes both ways.

Go to 4chan if y’all want to act like racist ignorant 12 year olds.


Aren’t millennials like 40 now, man? Are you just like…from WWI or somethin’?

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On the contrary, it is obvious that people have become much better at fooling themselves into believing the latter is the case when it is not. Hence, the state of the current year.

It’s exactly the opposite. The cruel and thoughtless are those who cannot stand seeing words they do not like and seek to ruin those who say them. Truly monsters of the worst ilk.

Again, this is not the frame of those who speak their mind, but instead of the vile and contemptuous coward who thinks that everyone is as they are and any attempt to frame a world where this is not the case is the rankest form of physical attack. They are loathesome creatures.

That’s precisely the opposite. Many a man has been called a hero for saying what he knows to be true despite full well knowing the consequences. No one has been called heroic for lowering their head, covering their mouth, and watching the untruths of the current zeitgeist flow freely.

Would you rather them resort to physical violence? I find this post horrifying and kafkaesque. “What is beautiful is ugly and what is good is evil. Those who cry out against this injustice must be removed from my sight lest I ruin their lives.”

How repugnant a way to live.

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Giving 4chan that kind of credit is why 4chan exists to irk you.

I hope you know that.

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Seems like you would’ve been much happier in 1940.

Keep pretending that saying horrible garbage shouldn’t have consequences though. When I was a kid that sort of thing got you punched. People weren’t as eager to be a dick for the sake of being a dick then.

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The reality of the situation is that most of societies social problems can be solved rationally. The differences of race are scientific, differences of creedo philosophical.

We’re just taught and lead on everyday by controlled sources to color the world black & white. To pick sides. Hating each other, and the more petty reasons to hate each other such as language the more profitable it is to the person in power reaping the benefits for their side.

Yep, the older millennials are reaching their 40s and have already established careers and have been paying taxes and all that fun stuff. You’d think people would grow tired of that old silly way of dismissing people’s valid arguments but this is the internets and anything goes! :roll_eyes:

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Now if ya’ll want to hear something really controversial.

In my experience of years of online communities and gaming, trolls/griefers 8/10 times have proven to be more down to earth individuals than the people whom profess a moral standpoint.

I mean look at the history of how guilds and organizations such as on online communities break up or fail entirely. People have a tendency to ignore just how serious they take their game, for their own image, that they become more toxic to themselves and others.

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