
Hello There, 403 BM hunter experienced raider looking to hop back into the raid scene. Was hoping to talk more , my Btag is Leelol#1495

Added you on bnet lee!

Lfm to raid with

Lfm for raid

LFM raidering

needing some heals and ranged dps

TIL that zebra stripes act like a confusing optical illusion to flies, making it harder for them to land on zebras and bite them

Lfm to bite

LF peoplle with people

LFM raiding partner

Looking for clothie dps

LF more cloth dps

LFM for raiding

Lfm to raid

TIL R.L. Stine was a head writer and co creator of Eureka’s Castle

Need more for raid

LFM for raiding booze

Lfm to raid with

TIL that in Russia a cat saved an abandoned baby by covering him and keeping him warm and meowed loudly to get the attention of a passersby.

TIL The Lebowski-inspired Church of the Latter-Day Dude says it has ordained over 450,000 Dudeist priests.