Ignore Pain should not have a rage requirement in PvE

There I said it. That is my only dislike from warrior.


You want what would then be a free cooldown, for free absorption, that you’d then have to hit dozens of times per M+ or any long raid fight even without due urgency?

Do you also want the inevitable nerf, in due balance, that would come with that awkward gameplay loop?


Maybe reduce the cost for Fury, but otherwise its a pretty solid ability.

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Ignore Pain’s cost should be the same as Execute (20-40) or the same as Shield Block (30) for all specs. For non-Prot it could share charges/cooldown with Shield Block if they’re insistent on giving it a cooldown for non-Prot, but I’d rather they remove the cooldown.

Ultimately I’d rather they go the 20-40 cost for Ignore Pain and remove the cost on Shield Block and the damage component while allowing blocks to have a chance to refresh Shield Slam. I don’t even really care for Shield Block as an ability since “uncrushable” is not a thing thus serves no purpose in “modern WoW”. Shield Wall should just allow you to block all attacks (including spells) and have the cooldown lowered to 2-mins by default in-line with Arms and Fury. Why even continue to call it Shield Wall in its current state when your shield is not required to use it?


Ignore Pain with no Rage cost and no GCD means it’s something you mindlessly hit on cooldown, every cooldown. Well, actually you probably just macro it to Bloodthirst and forget about it. So it’s just a ton of free mitigation with no thought or skill. And that’s just for Fury and Arms, how would that even work for Prot?

Now, should it cost a bit less, particularly for Fury? There’s a solid argument for that. But “free” is just unviable.

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This I completely agree. Making it free is a little too much. It is an unbelievably strong tool.

Now if it cost 50-60 rage or so in line with arms, it be acceptable, but the way the two classes are designed so differently.

Ideally it was designed with the intention that you have to sacrifice 1 major damage dealing ability for survivability.

With fury it is rampage. With nearly all abilities of fury generating rage, it isn’t difficult to reach the 80 rage to use.

With arms it is MS or Execute. Since majority of arms abilities cost rage. It makes sense that IP costs 40.

Its just a matter of do you want your cake and eat it too.

Ignore pain is fine where it’s at. Making it free would let warriors play so carelessly in pve. There is a reason it cost rage, force you to make the right decision of either doing mechanics or unga bunga damage with no penalty.

I disagree

Very legitimate point.

Ignore Pain should have a CD or a rage cost, not both.

If it didn’t have a rage cost, it would have to have a cooldown a lot longer than 8 seconds. Currently, Ignore Pain is more analogous to a hybrid sacrificing some DPS to offheal than to a defensive cooldown.

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It used to be like this in Legion.

Ignore pain is a pain in my butt.

One thing that helps me not overspend rage is using a wa for ignore pain. I can see the duration along with how much dmg is left, the idea being not to use ignore pain if your current bubble has so much.

No, we just want good stuff for free. Let the man dream

I feel the exact opposite, actually, in that I believe Shield Block should be free and Ignore Pain should be our only defensive spender.

After tanking on my VDH and BrM alts, it just feels janky to have 2 different conditions that prevent you from using your primary mitigation.

Come to think of it, I believe this is an entirely warrior-specific problem. Ironskin/Celestial Brew, Ironfur, and Demon Spikes are all free to use.

SotR costs holy power, but that’s part of a paladin’s natural build-spend rotation, so it’s hard to make a comparison there.

I guess Frenzied Regen has a cooldown and a resource cost, but it’s a measly 10 rage.

Idk I’m just kinda ranting here. Prot warr feels like a relic compared to the other tanks when you just lay it all out there. I love playing this old busted jalopy, but it could use a new coat of paint and a tune-up, you know?

There are no rage problems right now for prot so it really doesn’t matter. Spell reflect is an enormous CD on a short CD. Running the Wall gives you shield wall every ~2 mins and you have the ability to kite.

Warrior needs more damage and some more synergy between talents. It feels kinda clunky coming from BfA although BfA S4 prot warrior was broken AF. It will get better with more secondary stats tho. So looking forward to that.

I also think a touch up to our damage would be great, we just don’t have anything going for us right now that allows us to stand out in the m plus department

The issue with this is that Fury’s survivability in PvE is complete garbage, even with Ignore Pain. You breath on them wrong and they’re folding like wet tissue paper. Nerfing Bloodthirst to 3% from 5% was completely unnecessary, and certainly wasn’t justified even if Fury has access to IP. Its to the point where I’m deliberately trying to time my Execute to get the finishing blow in M+ just so I can make use out of Indelible Victory and its extra bit of sustain it provides.

We definitely can use more dps, but don’t forget warrior can face-tank mobs for a while before needed to kite - if at all and has great thread gen. That face tanking means mobs are stacked and your DPS’s CD’s are maximized. Pull mobs, demo shout, spear (covenant), revenge and thunderclap until you run out of shield block, leap out and call for snare. By then, you’ve done a load of dps and have all the threat you need.

Having to kite around can really hurt dps CD’s.