Ignorant but honest question

I have an arms warrior, Kyrian. I haven’t bothered with shields so don’t even put those skills on the task bar.

Does anyone use shields as Arms warrior? Or am I right to just ignore those?

I leveled my warrior during bfa and the shield wasn’t an option as far as I remember. But to answer your question, you can ignore them.

Unless you want to play a sword and board style of arms which I’m sure there is some weird build out there for it while leveling but it will never be taken seriously in any type of serious content

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Thank you! The skills are Shield Block and Shield Slam. Never used them and thought that they were mostly ignored, but decided to ask.

Edit: They seem to be on the basic warrior tab, not arms specifically.

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Yeah, no one in ARMS PVP/PVE uses shield block/bash.

They attempted an unpruning at the start of the expansion and just left the ideas to languish. There’s no practical reasons to ever swap to sword and shield as arms or fury spec. The defensive gain is abysmally small compared to actually being a protection warrior. Protection warriors passively have double the armor of a dps warrior by converting strength into armor.

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Ah! Thank you. I did wonder as I don’t recall ever having a class spec where I left things off the action bars. This one puzzled me, so I thought I’d ask. Thanks again.

Thus- I wouldn’t worry about it too much dude I mean I leveled a alliance warrior. Actually- female Draenai and also leveled a Male Tauren Warrior. I thought both were okay I mean the lore and questing behind both were alright. The Tauren I think I liked more, but the Draenai are cool for current players who don’t have time to explore the TBC Classic side of things. I don’t think I really cared for either on like a life scale but both provided like some temporary motivation. But yeah because I finished Grand Marshal and the Tactician there isn’t like a whole lot for me to do left in the game.
I had thought about rolling a Blood Elf Warrior, and a Troll warrior, Eve n a NE one too actually but yeah I haven’t really gotten around to it. I think basically in WoW like if you think it’s fun whether for months or years or whatever your money allows for that you will enjoy it to some measure.

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