If you're only able to do LFR, you don't matter to Blizzard

Blizzard is partly to blame. They have cultivated a community in the game that most assuredly gives these players a superiority complex because they get the coolest things while the lower-end players get the scraps. Worse is that they have done little to do anything about that mentality. They still run rampant on the forums trolling threads to make others feel bad about themselves.

It’s actually kind of pathetic.


The slime cat was originally a player vote mount before SL launch.

So here’s my take. If everyone wanted so badly,maybe more should have voted for it before pre launch. But we ended up with the Wandering Ancient instead.

People did vote for it. And it made it high into the vote count. That, the tree and the book.

The real issue is Blizz should not have changed the terms for the mount at the last minute.


Entitlement generation at its finest. “I’m not getting what I want therefore the company looks down on me.” /rolleyes

There are tons of mounts I’ll never get due to not being able to commit or not caring for the content. I don’t mythic plus and I rarely PVP so I wont be seeing any of those mounts in game. I dont go crying on the forums about it because that is my choice. Just like you choose not to do normal raids. WOW has various awards available to all types of gameplay. If you want that mount badly enough then either join a guild or use the LFG tool that is available in game.

Again, the exclusivity is not the issue and is an entirely different conversation to be had.

It is the fact that the slime cat mount was once obtainable through LFR and now it’s not despite the achievements that are currently live in-game indicating that you can obtain the mount by clearing any difficulty. On top of this, this change was made just days before the patch going live.

It is shady, and it is an insult to players who prioritize LFR. More importantly, it’s also a meaningless change because nothing about it benefits the game itself. It’s just punishing players because… reasons?


The OP of this thread says otherwise as does the other dozen or so threads on this topic.

1.) I do mostly LFR and I don’t feel insulted. Why in the world do you feel insulted over some pixels in a make believe game? Get some perspective. This is entertainment, not real life.
2.) The change was obviously made to get players to at least TRY a normal raid. Normal raids are not high end content by any stretch of the imagination and can be accomplished by simply pugging LFG. Your point might have SOME validity if it was locked behind mythic raid. But it’s not. All you have to do is clear three normal raids which are a barely a step up from LFR.

I’ll go ahead and mend my argument because I think you’re right in that it is an exclusivity issue, but honestly dude, I don’t really know how to explain to you why this is problematic if you can’t see the problem as it is. I’m sure these threads would have always existed but to such an extent? The main issue underlying most of these threads is the fact that LFR once had access to the cat and now it doesn’t for no discernible reason other than because Blizzard decided to. Why defend such a decision?

This is entertainment, and for $15 a month, people rightfully deserve to have an opportunity to get rewards without forcing themselves to do content they don’t want to do. Casual players are already getting shafted in this patch because they have next-to-nothing. So who does this really benefit?

If normal raids are barely a step up and can be trivialized, then why exclude LFR to begin with?


I say again, to all those saying this is to try and get people to try normal level raiding and everyone who supports it talks about how great this raid community is, then step up to the plate and show us non-raiders how great it is. You want everyone to experience how great the raid community is, but don’t want to make the effort to show how great it is.

Some of you even say pugging is not indicative of what raiding is like when you have a good group of people to play with. Then get this group of good people to play with, and bring in new people and show them what that is like.

I know most of you won’t though, you will continue to tell non-raiders to just PuG, which by your own admission can be toxic, but in the same breath tell us how great the raid community is. So again, step up and prove it.


I already gave you the most likely reason. It was most likely to encourage players to participate in normal raids, which is nothing new to WOW.

WOW has always had rewards that were exclusive. If you want the PVP mount then you need to PVP. If you want the Mythic plus mount then you need to do mythic plus. And if you want the raid mount then you need to at least do a normal raid. LFR is not a normal raid.

For the same reason you don’t get the mythic plus mount by just doing normal dungeons. It’s the EZ mode for that content and isn’t much of a challenge. This game has always rewarded players that did more challenging content. I completely understand if you hate raids as I hate mythic plus and refuse to ever step foot in one again. I like that the mount you get for doing them but that doesn’t mean I’m entitled to that reward.

They don’t intend to, they’re just knee jerk defending Blizzard. I know people who have even had dedicated raid teams at the begining of this raid tier, not able to do normal because their raiders have not resubbed.

I don’t blame anyone but Blizzard, this isn’t raiders faults either. They really don’t care. The miniscule, microscopic amount of apologist don’t represent raiders. I’ve spoken to ppl, they don’t care if LFR gets it.

Blizzard seem hellbent on L’s. I guess just let them dig themselves more holes. There’s something completely corrupt about how they manage community expectations and motivation.


Normal is not that much more difficult. Easier, in fact because LFR is notoriously full of troll’s and slackers. I know people that que for LFR just to trash runs. Shocking, I know.

Find a guild. make friends. put a bit more effort in. likely you can kill a normal boss in the time it would take to sit waiting for an LFR group that’s going to wipe anyway.

I just don’t understand it, this would have been a great thing and everyone would have been happy for LFR to get a mount like this.

What worries me is the silence on this issue. Do they even care? What happened to ‘listening to the players’ , to the community outreach?

It’s just silence.


You and I both know that the likelihood of people who already aren’t routinely raiding normal are not going to be convinced to raid it now just because there’s a mount attached to it. That’s kind of the whole point. The mount is cool but it’s not worth playing content you don’t want to play to obtain, but excluding it from LFR anyways indicates that such players are not deserving of rewards, especially in a content patch that is already barren for them. It’s toxic game design and enables the many trolls scouring these threads to denigrate other players. This is what you want to defend?

Here’s the thing, man. You want to know why I think this whole “It’s to get players to try out normal!” argument is kind of a scapegoat?

Because if that were actually true, Blizzard would be making major strides in restricting carries. Any content that can be trivialized by a carry should really just have the rewards attached to that content available at a lower level because carries are not meaningful engagement.

However, we both know that will never happen because 1. Blizzard probably makes bank off of token sales that are inadvertently sold and used to buy carries, and 2. The amount of uproar from people selling carries would be asinine.

There is no justifiable reason for this. Stop defending bad decisions.

If it’s easier then why exclude it from LFR?

Do you guys not understand that your arguments are working against you?


I agree, for those who have time. I work in evenings. Directly in the time frame raids happen. “Oh well, your screwed” isn’t a solution, and LFR at least allows me when I have time to raid when I can. It’s not about able players who are lazy, it’s about the other factors getting in the way of playing normal besides being lazy.


They want you to do a real raid. I do real raids. I’m not crying because I can’t get Mythic raid mounts. Want the reward, do the content.

That’s not the problem. The problem is the mount being listed for all difficulties for months on the achievement and then Kaivax saying it won’t actually be that way.


Must be some kind of policy if players have backlash on a decision or something. It’s certainly not good communication. They could of at least stated motives, but that would be difficult considering it’s about money.

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These are a lot of words jumbled together that don’t really approach the root of my question.

If normal is easier than LFR, why is it a “real” raid as opposed to LFR? Why is LFR being excluded if LFR is harder?


Consolidating, automatically deleting. Potayto Potahto.

Because normal is only easier because people make LFR harder by not even trying. Normal can be harder than Mythic if everyone is half afk watching Netflix.

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