If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Ironically this is true. Before it was whales buying, now it will be normal people with limited game time trying to afford flasks.

You can run MS>OS SR pugs or join a guild of likeminded players. Those are your alternatives.


aww jeez they are doing whataboutism now im out

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I’m just responding to comments, if people want to make silly arguments I can’t control that.

Farming bots are not made in a vacuum. They are made because there is a demand for gold. Why is there a demand for gold? There are three main sources for the demand:

  1. People want to purchase gold sink items and skills from in game vendors.
  2. People want to purchase items from other players through the auction house.
  3. People want to purchase item drops from raids via GDKP.

Banning GDKP is reducing the demand from (3). Less demand means less bots. Banning GDKP is also discouraging a behavior not intended by the developers when it comes to item distributions from raids.


I love all the attempts at logical arguments that have zero content whatsoever. Nothing about the OP, no merit-based arguments. Nothing but air.

That’s a good reason to try to get them to ditch their plans to accelerate the rate at which you can get full BiS.

That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard lol

You’ve left out consumables, which will consume far more gold than GDKP (when considering all the non-GDKP runs that will be consuming these.

And I freely admit that the demand for gold may go down. But inflation won’t. And consider that running a bot is nearly free, particularly once you are already setup to do so. Why would they stop farming just because demand goes down? They might make less money than before, but that’s all the more reason to keep it running, they want to keep the money flowing. Get rid of the bots if you want to solve the problem.

Thanks for actually responding with content though!

That is addressed in point (2).

Fair, I read it as items, like BoEs. I do think consumes warrant another category because they will balloon up in price a lot in later phases.

I like GDKP about this particular thing. it creates a dynamic in which items are given to those that want the most.

If you want to build meme or off spec, GDKP is best at that. G luck getting a 2h for PVP funsies from a guild run unless you are an officer.

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what do you mean play the game like everyone else? people play the game differently and have different preffered systems and from the looks of trade chat, a VAST portion of people prefer GDKPS, how about YOU play like everyone else? or rather how about you play the way you pref and let others play how they pref… the bit about inflation is aload of crap…this ban will do very little to effect it.


I think a lot of players could benefit from an econ class or two. It’s actually pretty interesting to study things like inflation and supply/demand.

Spoiler: it isn’t GDKP, at least not inflation. GDKP is one of many factors in supply/demand. But even without it the market has a remarkable way of adapting to change.

And I also recall many times I made friends in GDKP groups. There are new members every week, and they are also regulars. I like the chat, the /say is funny all the time.

It’s like going to a local pub, bidding is like betting on gear. it got exciting to see some rare items going for a high amount.

There is a community aspect to GDKP other than loot. People act like there are purely sellers and buyers doing transactions.

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I want to address some of the other things you said.

That is one of the main points of banning GDKPs.

That rate of inflation will go down if there is less demand from people wanting to buy gold. The infusion of gold from RMTs into the in game economy will be lower and the inflation rate for gold will come from more “natural” sources. People will still buy gold, but much less of it because there are fewer sinks for gold.

That would be the best cure. Blizzard is likely trying to find ways to do this. They state it is difficult to do.

Bots and RMT aside, GDKP is a behavior not wanted by the developers when it comes to item distribution from raids.

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GDKP is a community-driven solution to the problems I’ve outlined. Is it part of the equation in RMT and bots? Yes. So just disregard the community’s solution, ban it, and offer no alternative except what the community has loudly rejected in classic, classic era, classic tbc, and classic wotlk? That’s one viewpoint, not mine.

What I’m looking for is not that argument, if that’s your argument I happily grant it to you.

What I’m looking for is a rebuke of my criticism of the traditional loot systems in favor of GDKP. GDKP is the lesser of two evils. We can do better than both, but that’s not what the devs are doing here. Offer us something better if you want GDKP out!

So upset that you can’t just buy gear.



The tears of gdkp leaders, gold buyers and RMT supporters make me happy.


How dare players want something in return for their time and effort when RNG screws them? The sheer audacity.