If You're 2700+ IO and You're Listing 13s You Deserve to Deplete / Fail

You can link your raider io here. Use a ` before and after the text to link it.

Should look like this

Clear cache and cookies.

You have to have logged into the character one time since getting the achievement.

Edit: This is Eeyoremoo btw, you can see my KSH on this 13 druid

I don’t have issues with joining groups. You and I will never have a productive conversation because you’re a very nasty person to speak to.


The challenge of only finding skilled PuGs who understand what you are saying they do not? Doesn’t sound like you have accepted the challenge :wink: Your posts indicate you actually do not like PuGing and are mad you don’t have friends… maybe accept the challenge of finding like-minded friends.

As for what people deserve - why care? Won’t it be inevitable in the first place? It’s like barking at the moon.

Thanks for proving my point. We won’t have a conversation because your ego can’t handle being wrong.

I’m not a nasty person. I just call you out when you say something dumb.

And the fragile ego proves my point again.

This was genuinely just a way for OP to unsubtly announce their io to GD where they know they will stand out. You know, an ego thing where they think they’re better than they actually are.

This doesn’t read any different than “don’t apply to 6s if your io is 1900,” just another vapid post

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The IRONY in your thread and reply is beyond reading cringe lvl even for this forum.

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Dude if our healer didnt botch the last boss we had a +13 arakara dunzo WITH time to spare. Im 2777. Pipe down.

You’re never going to get remotely near +13 with this loser mentality. You do need to play nearly perfectly.

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First off, congrats on pushing that far in a +13. I hope that you guys get it next time.

Secondly, Ara is forgiving on the timer even with full wipes / run backs. That isn’t to diminish the achievement of your group, but to point out that some dungeons differ wildly in difficulty at certain levels.

Another example is Dawnbreaker. That one can be challenging, but it’s still more forgiving than others.

I still post my 13 keys win or lose. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. A lesson you obviously never learned.

And this is why m+ should be deleted.

You waste people’s time treating them as trial-runs. That is selfish and an abuse of goodwill.

So you shouldn’t ever hit on a girl because you might be wasting her time? It’s the same analogy, and I’m not the one bricking keys, my last ara Kara the entire group of 2.9k-3k players you hail about ate the hanging spiders frontal cone. Sounds like they wasted my time.

Everything is above my skill level but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn and improve and potentially beat it.

Imagine if the entire community was nice enough and chill enough to finish all +10s no matter if they wouldn’t time.

You’d have thousands of people getting Mythic loot regardless of how hard Blizzard made M+ because the community works together to help make it better. The community would have more players with better gear pushing together in pve content.

But instead we tear each other down and are the antithesis of team oriented it’s very sad.

The age old phrase “there is no I in team” should get the point across. Show good sportsmanship and stop being the problem!

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Stop arguing in bad faith :thong_sandal:

People at 2.9-3K are in fact capable of making mistakes just like everyone else. The difference is that the higher the persons score, the higher the chance of success.

Additionally, having a full wipe in Ara from a frontal cone from the web spray isn’t a key breaker. You can have that happen TWICE and still time it on a +12 for example.

Except it didn’t happen. Why exactly do you care what other people do with their time? Just don’t apply to those keys and let us happily waste our time in ignorant bliss.

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You’re capable of improvement.

I don’t want this. Failure flushes out the waste and no one wants to prog +10 keystones. That’s asinine.

The current system is fine, it just needs iteration. It’s good that we have hierarchy. Anyone with enough determination can claw their way to all +10s. It’s a war of attrition.

We can’t solve the toxicity issue, but we can remedy it by holding key bandits accountable.

Playing within our boundaries does not perpetuate a crabs in the barrel mentality, it dismantles it.

My guild does a M+ contest every season to encourage people to keep up with min/max. The rewards are based on the IO for those in the running.

While I’ve got zero chance winning cause our Havoc DH is like World 6th or something, second place is realistic. :]

Anyone else laugh at the irony of the OP telling people to calm their egos while having a massive ego himself?