If you was picked to be on the Council what would you suggest?

I don’t see him on the roster

ppl who complain about premades are gonna have a heck of a time w/ solo queue if they don’t separate the ladders :rofl:

They currently are separated?

  1. A Whitelist, allow us to select the BGs that we enjoy. This would go a long way to correcting a lot of the current problems and frustrations.

  2. Allow honor gear to be upgraded to at least 1600 rating level. This would greatly help those who want to enter rated pvp. Additionally, there are a lot of us who just want to play some casual BGs on alts. (I don’t care if it’s a huge honor grind)

  3. I think its time to expand and improve the mercenary que. There should be a box to check (so you can que merc from anywhere) that would just put you into a BG as whatever faction would result in the fastest que time. Add a 5-10% honor bonus for those who chose to participate.

  4. I know this would be controversial, but I think its time that we should eliminate faction-based ques altogether. This would speed up ques for the entire player base. This would allow for group formations to be based on ilvls, preventing the obvious team imbalances that seem to be so prevalent these days. This would go a long way to help balance things out and help prevent many of the annoying and extremely frustrating issues that exist in random BGs.

  5. I would like Blizzard to react faster to current issues in the game that cause so much frustration. For example, Wintergrasp is completely broken atm, teams on defense have a huge advantage. I would love to see the win % for offense in Wintergrasp over the last six months. I would guess that offense wins less than 10% in there. Because of this, half the team on offense will just take the deserter debuff causing a snowball effect of annoyance. Waiting in que for over 20+ minutes as horde to enter an almost over, and losing offense game is so frustrating. Que as merc/alliance and the mass team desertion is even worse.

Mostly, I just want to be able to play the BGs I enjoy. If I could log in and que just for AV, AB, Eye and WSG while recieveing full honor/conquest, I would play more.

Players being able to select the BGs that they like would result in more people playing, fewer unsubs and more revenue for Blizz.

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Equal gearing for the working class.
Open up the brackets like the best we ever seen.
Transparent pre mades.
Hire less omegas. WOOOO THE WOLF!

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If I were picked for a spot, one of the first things I would suggest would be adding back in the “old” Deepwind Gorge to the rotation… and removing this boring/trash “remastered” 5-base version from BFA (that no one asked for) :yawning_face:

This past week been playing Deepwind Dunk a fair bit, and in the very first one I played was instantly reminded just how much I miss the map. The layout is a nice, wide-open design with good visibility.

And you just spend most of the match teamfighting in mid, it’s like a mini Southshore vs Tarren Mill :drooling_face:

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  • Add new BGs.
  • Bring back SotA as a Brawl.
  • Bring back MoP catch up system.
  • Not have such a massive gap difference in item level.
  • Not have honor gear/ conquest gear trapped behind time gating whatsoever.

I’m offended you’d think i’d run with a premade over 5 people. I legitimately don’t support premading above regular party group

I generally don’t do epic bgs, but lately i’ve felt like it thats all it is :stuck_out_tongue: 99% of my bgs are regulars

I have 3 pallies named battlemaster i alternate between and i lose track of what faction i’m on ngl

Edit: nvm i’m toxic also i’m a her :sunglasses:

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So far, but in no particular order, most would like to see this brought up for discussion on the council.

Bring back MoP catch up system.
Bring back blacklist.
All PvP gear should be attainable sooner or later.
PVP should not require PVE grinding.
Add new BGs.
Punishment for repeated afk’ers.
Mixed-faction teams.
Premades In BG’s.
Better and faster class tuning.

This seems to be what the majority of you all are talking about. Keep coming up with some good ideas, I’ll make a poll Friday and put some of those in a poll.


I do not think that there should be a premade limit. I say this as someone who hates going up against premades. This is an MMORPG and it is best played with others. I do think that Premades should fight other premades, though not exclusively. It should just be preferred placement.

However, I strongly disagree with this, and the other notions in this thread claiming that grouping with friends doesn’t give you an advantage. It absolutely gives you an advantage, a strong one. Voice communications in a BG goes a very long way. There is a reason why it is often a requirement when trying to joining rated groups. There will be some underdog stories sure, but to say that you do not have an advantage when grouping with others is just a blatant lie. It’s not exploiting as others have suggested, and I personally believe that you should be able to queue with a full raid. But let’s call it what it is, an advantage. When I do play with a group, it’s usually with only two others that I’m queueing with. The difference in the quality of games is astounding with only 2 others that I play well with.

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of course its an advantage to use voice, but its not an unfair advantage, that is a major difference. everyone has access to voice, its built into the client. nobody uses it and uses discord instead, that is its own separate issue.

what that comment was primarily talking about though is group composition. a group made up of 40 people bringing whatever toon in whatever spec they want is basically a random team. that is completely different from a group specifying class/spec/role stacking and min ilvl.

I must have misunderstood. It seemed as though you and others were claiming that you had no real advantage in grouping together. You are right, it isn’t an unfair advantage. As for group composition, this is assuming that the pug system was decent at throwing together a group lol. I’ll take 5 weird matchups over 5 randos any day of the week.

I know some of you all remember, oQueue It was ahead of its time and a great addon until Blizzard broke it. I think if you had something like that, you would get more premade versus premade. Like I said, Blizzard is a billion-dollar company, and you mean to tell me somebody that loves drinking beer a lot came up with oQueue and Blizzard can’t come up with anything.

They removed it because they didn’t want premades in epic above 5man.

Well, it didn’t solve that problem, I actually met two of my friends from there that I actually play wow with today.

Here is what I would like:

-evolving meta with small buffs and nerfs regularly for every class. Think like dota 2 for regular updates to classes/abilities. Mist weavers from this expansion should never occur, everything except tank specs should be viable.
-solo queue implemented(their ideas look good so far)
-revival of pvp guilds so we can get guild repairs and rank guilds against others in a PVP sense.
-guild vs guild 40 mans
-World PVP zones that must be defended/attacked to gain honor and conquest
-remove conduit, dungeon and raid PvE grind and completionist attitude towards the game. We just want to only pvp all day!
-check-pvp style lookup in game
-pvp tooltips in game with extra explanations ie. stun is x seconds in PVP/ y seconds in PVE
-more maps, arenas, 40 mans, pvp mounts
-upgrade graphics in every single BG and epic BG
-in game omnibar/ dr tracker made by blizzard so I dont have to have addons and update them every patch.
-spectator mode for ranked games so I can watch the top players on ladder(like warmode version)
-changeable dampening parameters so we can play 2s in war games and practise like on ladder
-tournament creator in game

-allow cross faction pvp but remove racials so everyone can play with each other!
-gear scaled to the rating your playing at (down for higher geared people to prevent boosting)
-no honor/conquest cap
-changes to diminishing returns and how they interact between classes(some classes are terrible together due to DRs, others are OP, just change it regularly so its fresh and any comp can work eventually).
-wipe out all pvp talents and make new ones each season and recycle some every so often
-AWC battle pass so I can watch the games live in game!

That’s a nice list, but think about


Everything INCLUDING tank specs should be viable.


noones likes tanks in arena, for rbgs they should be fine though

The simplest suggestion would be to ask them to hire people who actually play the game, it seems they did a couple of “diversity” hires that probably only exist to “police” the game looking for “inappropiate” content.

I think it would be much more productive to hire at least a couple of devs that actually participate in pvp activities (both rated and nonrated), otherwise we’ll keep getting changes that don’t make much sense.