If you was picked to be on the Council what would you suggest?

WoD gear or a more comfortable gear situation for random BG players in general is something for sure I would push for.

I’d definitely not comment on class balance, because of lack of high end experience. But I would definitely chime in on the “fun” aspect. Like, this ability is not fun to press, or that rotation feels clunky, etc.


I’d sort of like to see the return of PvP set bonuses.

It’s more than that, but I won’t get into it here.

Well designed specs, I’m sick of doing content to unlock the rest of my spec.

I loved pvp during every expac but bfa and SL. I’ve barely played.

Worst feeling I’ve had in this game was when I logged in during legion prepatch and found 70% of my spells gone.

I’m loving tbc atm, my pally feels nice to play. Why can’t I have that feeling with retail.


Don’t worry nobody thinks there are premades of glad players in epic bgs.

Most of the players hide in the blob so they can press their aoe and feel like the contributed to a win.


Flying… EVERYWHERE. - I dunno how hard is that to grasp. 17year old game.

PvP - solo rated and a big update, new maps ect.

no time gating bs - who honestly thought of this???

unlock things that people who pay to play can finally get because blizzard thinks its cool to lock a … paying game?..


You don’t think that intentionally circumventing game restrictions in order to obtain a massive, and unmatchable, game advantage over your enemy is cheating?

Would you feel the same way if three individual people queue up for solo-queue arenas at the same time in order to hopefully get grouped together? It’s fine, right? They just hopped into discord and wanted to play with friends.

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I would insist on proper testing, the 1 week of focused pvp testing obviously was borderline a mockery.

If things were tested we wouldn’t see things like monk 0.5 sec death, arms 1 sec death, casino judge 2 shot or 2k hit, blessing of clowns I mean summer one shots, convoke, etc.

We were told the last expansion class tuning would be easier and a lot quicker, two or three months later is not quick.

Until you can find a way to overcome the “nuh uh! i’m just playing with my friends” excuse, I don’t see any bans or suspensions sticking.

And because all the premade coordination happens on 3rd party comms/not controlled by Blizzard, it’s impossible to prove since GMs don’t accept 3rd party evidence/hearsay in tickets.

If you could actually get banned for premade-ing then it would’ve already happened by now… but last I checked RUIN/Archaos, Mesostealthy, Cryptids, Rallys, etc - none of these guys are banned as far as I know.

I’ll believe it when I see it, because so far I haven’t seen a SINGLE prominent premade “leader” be banned or had action taken against their account :man_shrugging:

The excuses do not matter. They are intentionally breaking the game rules. Telling Blizz “im just playin with my friends” will not, or should not, stop any punishment from happening when it is blatantly clear that they are breaking the rules.

Indeed, I do not know why such people have not been banned.
We do know that Blizz doesn’t care about PvP, so there’s that. Probably see “pvp” in the tickets/reports and toss them in the bin.


Back when, I played on one of the private servers at the time, it was the biggest server called Scapegaming. Anyway, the horde made a big group to come take over Ironforge In front of the statue in Ironforge they had some portals, one of them was to Stormwind. Some of us would run to the portal to try to get help from Stormwind.

What happened was one of the biggest battles that I’ve ever been a part of, and it was so much fun. The horde made as close as the entrance to Ironforge.

I have an ideal for brawl BG.
Now y’all would have to help me out because I don’t know none of the horde cities besides Orgrimmar. It could be a 40 versus 40 BG or more, this would take place on random servers.

But take Ironforge for example, Blizzard could take and put an invisible wall around Ironforge like the one they have for Southshore vs. Tarren Mill. The horde would start at the bottom of the hill outside of Ironforge If the horde makes it to the statue in Ironforge they win. The timer could be anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes.

Now the graveyard, I’m not really sure about, Maybe if you get to a new spot on the map that’s where the new graveyard becomes. Maybe some of y’all can explain to me how the horde cities would do this.

It would be random what city you were put in to defend.


Warhammer had one called RVR, you pushed zones until you hit their capital.

You then sieged it and they defended it, at the end if you beat them back you could chose champions and battle it out until one teams champions died, once that happened you got to fight the faction leader.


which rule?

Do you want the dictionary definition argument or the ToS argument?

If it was a higher priority, Blizzard could just review the game logs.

These set of players keep queuing up at the same moment, dropping the same queues, entering the same bgs, etc.

It’s not hard to figure out who’s participating.

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I would suggest lowering the profit margin by 0.1% and invest it in a full pvp team, full class team, and full tuning team.

When its a billion dollar profit per year company…i mean they could easily invest in 3x 5 person teams.

Well, it appears we’re doing proper testing for the Classic version of each expansion.

It feels like we are still doing betatesting for Shadowlands in retail. Except no feedback is taken and no adjustments are being done.


Probably because it isn’t against the rules.

I’d agree. Retail made playing different specs of the same class feel like playing an entirely different class. A shadow priest and a holy priest have so little in common, it doesn’t really feel like the same class anymore. Part of the appeal to classic was that being a shadow priest still felt like a priest because we still had so much in common with holy and disc.

As for queue syncing groups into large battlegrounds … as someone who spent most of WoD doing this, I’d be dishonest if I said it was fair. Our group was formed with good intentions - finding one of the most toxic premade groups and forcing them to play objectives and stop farming pugs. Facing that premade and others was fun. So fun, in fact, we started doing war games against the other premade groups - Clan Battlehammer, Alliance Vanguard, Prime Premades.

The problem was, that facing another premade queue syncing into AV was a rare occurance and if people are totally honest, very few pugs put up a challenge against 20+ people on voice comms. It’s unfair and quite simply, is not fun to stomp a group of uncoordinated players game after game and having been on the receiving end as well, that’s not fun either. It’s why I stopped doing large scale premades.

That being said, I also understand the love of coordinated large scale PvP so rather than sync queues into random pugs, maybe advocate for a better war game system that appeals to more players and gives premades an outlet for that type of play without impacting the enjoyment of pugs.