If you was picked to be on the Council what would you suggest?

If they adhere to the rules, great.

If they’re purposefully circumventing game restrictions and gain an unfair advantage over the other team, not so great.

Do they prefer to be called cheaters?

When people complain about cheaters/exploiters, it’s because they would have won if the cheaters/exploiters had not been there? But they have no way of knowing that and odds are they would have lost no matter?


what advantage do they have that you don’t have access to yourself?

The power of friendship.




if the composition of my team is no different than a random team, what advantage do you think we have?

You’re free to call them whatever you want, everyone else will continue to just laugh at you for being such a child.

This isn’t Narnia. You calling people certain things doesn’t magically make Blizzard change rules or punish people.

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That’s what they are.

At least some of them can be honest and admit it.


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you’re making a joke, but that is key. SAS plays together pretty much every night. even if we all soloqueued, you’d be running into a team that has played hundreds to thousands of games together.

No one is admitting anything because you think your random opinion holds any weight lmao.

You know, if you honestly feel that people who group like this are cheating, there is a very simple process you can follow to report them.

Good luck getting them to agree with you though.

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1: Bring back PVP servers. Get rid of Warmode.

2: Make open world PVP more rewarding.

3: Write a better story - actually use the WoW setting and conflict to establish compelling, character driven story instead of nonsensical cosmic Apocalypse BS every expansion. The conflict scale makes no sense and with every expansion the story gets more convoluted and stupid. Simplify it.

4: PVP should not require PVE grinding.

5: Make it more reasonable to acquire PVP and PVE rewards. THe weekly loot system you have implemented into the game sucks. I did Castle Nathria Heroic for 8 weeks straight. I seldom recieved items, or I would continually recieve the same item, and when I got my weekly loot chest I would just get the items I had drop in the raid. But a week later.

6: Make the old game relevant again. I don’t know how you would implement it. But Azeroth is such a huge, cool setting and it has been shoved to the back of the game and hidden away. Why?

7: Make regions like Tol Barad and Wintergrasp relevant by adding new, updated rewards. Do something to attract players to revisit these sites and make the world pvp there a thing. These are both fun. At worst, at Tol Barad to the PVP queue because TB is a very fun mode.

8: Deal with gold inflation in an intelligent and reasonable way. Stop adding 5 million gold mounts and half a million gold mounts. Only the dumbest players are going to spend their gold on that. When the Brutasaur was around gold prices were between 120-150K for $25. What kind of mental case spends $825+ worth of gold on a mount in a video game? I’m sitting on 9 million gold, I have most of the mounts you can acquire with gold in the game (barring the ludicrously expensive ones) and I’m sitting on 9 million gold. The amount of gold I get continues to grow but I don’t need to spend gold on anything. My only actual expense is repairs and when I earn 5000 gold for every 300 gold in repairs, or enchantments which are dirt cheap, or the rare consumable (which I really don’t even need).


Yes, because you guys would continue trying to exploit the queue so your highly experienced premade raid of friends ends up in the same bg… vs. random pugs.


so getting in line at the same time is a hardcore exploit and cheat? does that mean actual cheating is worthy of jail time (not incl hacking, hacking is def jailworthy)

Are you trying to circumvent game restrictions?

Are you gaining an unfair advantage over the other team when you successfully circumvent game restrictions?

Have a nice day.



no, my party of 5 is queueing for an epic bg.

i am the unfair advantage :cowboy_hat_face:


What unfair advantage do you feel they have that you yourself cannot do?

How is it cheating?

Maybe it’s underhanded or “dishonorable” for say, RUIN to coordinate/cheese a 35-40 man team into an epic BG, but it’s not really cheating.

When I think of “cheating” I think of stuff like:

  1. glitching yourself up to an otherwise unreachable spot on the map
  2. using a glitch/bug to 1-shot the boss
  3. mass-spamming reports on the enemy team to cause them to DC
  4. using the PvE “ocean” toy to physically block the enemy team’s garage bay in Wintergrasp (causes unfair advantage)
  5. etc etc

As far as just hopping in a guild/community Discord with some friends and signing up to play some random BGs with those friends? It’s kind of a stretch to call that cheating.

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punishing players for bad system design is never going to solve anything

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It’s important to point out here that there is a difference between what they do and how most epic communities operate.

Only difference is we voice queue. Otherwise, same, and with the same benefits and drawbacks.