If you was picked to be on the Council what would you suggest?

In the past, I made a post like this, but that was before they came up with a Council.

  1. All PvP gear should be attainable sooner or later, rated battlegrounds and arenas get there quicker. This would be the first thing I’d like to try to bring to the discussion. mop/wod had this, In my opinion, was the best of the expansions.

  2. Bring back blacklist, I think most of us have BG’s that we really don’t like my would be Seething Shore and Wintergrasp. After a few months, Blizzard could see which one was blacklisted most and just replace it.

  3. Bring back Reforging the way it was in Cataclysm, what made it so fun for me is I had a little more control over how I played my toon. Right now, Blizzard sets up the stats to how they think you should play, but I would like to set up some of the stats how I play.

  4. Stop making us do quest, just let us PvP. We do all that you asked just to get to the cap level. Most of your PvPers wants to log in and do some type of PvP, whether it’s rated or not. When we log in and have to do an hour or so of quest, the game becomes not fun for us.

Later on, I’ll take some of the popular ideals and do vote poll.


l would suggest all the cool kids get large font on the forums.


I like what you posted, but please for the love of god learn from our mistakes.

We said bring back vendors, hell bc/wotlk style would be great.

Blizzard took that as hey let’s add in 7 different ilvl upgrades for honor gear and I think 5 for rated.
When all we wanted was honor gear set and a rated gear set, 2 damn sets and no huge ilvl gaps between them.

If you suggest gearing to blizzard please make sure they understand we don’t want a 2nd job and that power gap shouldn’t be crazy high.



  1. A Classic Wintergrasp in the brawl rotation that gives you access to a new Vault of Archavon that your raid can do for a nice piece of loot (one shot only as per your current battleground instance).

  2. Actual punishment for repeated afk’ers.

  3. Blacklist, which could potentially limit some afk’ing and negative behavior in general.

  4. A gearing system that does not create a social divide between rated and non-rated players.

  5. If you’re going to make us grind, and yes grinding is a part of MMOs, don’t have us grind some non-pvp related activity on top of the pvp activity we must already do to gain an advantage. I’m looking at you, Torghast.


Back when I made that PvP vendor poll, and it went big, and we got enough votes to get the PvP vendors back, they still find a way to screw it up.


Smaller power gaps in random bgs. Ideally, 15 ilevel difference at the most between honor gear and conquest gear.

Rated PvP lets players gear up more quickly, but eventually everyone who PvPs can end up in full conquest gear.

Mixed-faction teams

Hidden MMR

Stronger measures against people who exploit the queue to bring premade raids into bgs.

Stronger measures against players who frequently AFK or desert bgs.


to stop listening to the whiners

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I mean, these guys are just going to do it anyways or find a way “around” any such measure. I’m not aware of a solution that would keep queue times low for the non-premade casual/solo players.

Premaders are not going to voluntarily queue themselves up versus other premades thru some hypothetical/brand new “Premade Match” tab in the UI, they simply won’t ever use such a tab (they prefer fighting pug players for the easy wins/kills) :joy:

I’m fine just living w/ the occasional premade match as long as my queue times stay low. The existing solution of simply leaving the match if there’s a premade on the other team works just fine.

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Suspensions/bans won’t affect queue times.


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Only problem there is premaders will just default to the innocent-sounding/plausible “but i’m just playing with my friends, this is an MMORPG!” excuse to cleverly avoid any such bans/suspensions. And of course, you can’t be banned for “just playing with your friends” in an online multiplayer game.

If you could be banned for playing BGs with a premade of friends, RUIN/Archaos would’ve been banned YEARS ago with the sheer about of full 35-40 man premades they’ve taken into BGs over the years.

If it hasn’t happened after 17 years, it’s unlikely to happen in the future. I’m just not seeing it, and it’s not like there’s a shortage of Horde players that have complained/put in tickets about RUIN…

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The OP asked for suggestions in this thread, so I suggested something new.

If we’re only sticking to ideas from the past, does Blizzard really need a council of players?


in addition to the walls of text i have posted elsewhere with suggestions, i was also thinking this:

the game needs to be designed around being fun to play, currently players often refer to parts of the game as chores or grinding. things are timegated or setup in a system that rewards paying to win over legitimate play. if the game is so awesome you want to play it every day, you don’t need a timegate to keep you playing.

the game needs to cater to solo players while also positively encouraging social play. while im not sure if even possible, but integrating discord with guilds and communities would probably work a lot better than wow’s voice client. catering to social play extends to everything from grouping to encounter design. perhaps something like torghast/vision’s variable group size scaling should be applied to more instanced content such as dungeons, or conversely, let gear drop from torghast. what i mean by positive encouragement is that the game should be designed that you want to drag your friends along to do something cool, not look at how many people you are required to bring in order to accomplish some meaningless task you will forget the next patch. and of course, soloqueue all around: raids, M+, arena, RBG.

PVP has been struggling for a long time and really needs some dev love, everything from a proper ilvl-free sports style gearing system to new content in all areas, they are talking about tier sets for 9.2, please dont forget to make some pvp specific set bonuses as well so we dont either miss out on the class set fun for being pvpers, or feel obligated to pve in order to be competitive in pvp. the barrier to entry in pvp needs to be as low as possible without breaking the game. 1 shot “I win” buttons in class design are a flawed design. factions are so out of balance that we need something done, many pvpers have toons on both factions and friends on both factions, the idea of a factionless future to the game where anyone can group with anyone is quite popular. wintergrasp desperately needs an overhaul. IoC needs adjustment as HangarD is the meta locked strat.

I would love to see more brawl type game modes, but less in the we’re trying crazy ideas, but more like party games and perhaps even a cart racing mode. its clear the devs are trying to mix party style RNG wins in with pvp, and in what pvpers consider to be a skill based game that just won’t fly. party game RNG could still find a place in a party game mode. and again, would love to have a combat cart racer mode like mario cart or CTR.

overall i think the class designs need more subtle hidden complexity. things like standing in fire with AMS to get runic power to then spend on deathcoil which would then give my ghoul energy i could dump with a DT’d claw. they still have a lot of uprunning left to go before they get classes back to their prime.


A game that hides it’s PVP behind PVE will have a tiny population dedicated to PVP. Make a F2P wow-pvp client that only plays instanced pvp and grow the population. The pvp-only client should be in-sync with retail and can play with both retail and F2P players. Retail users get access to PVE items as well as PVP while F2P users only have access to honor/conquest gear. Retail players can get mogs the old fashion was while F2P can pay for microtransactions -or- earn the mogs.

More players means better PVP and a chance to convert F2P users into full retail users. Bigger player pools will drastically reduce wait times for horde. More players mean a higher chance to find talented players who otherwise wouldn’t have played which builds the e-sport community. F2P means many of our friends will play whereas at the moment a sub paired with grinding keeps them far far away.

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i really think this is a troublesome area, people really do play with friends, but people also really do exploit the system to make full game premades with preset comps. they need to balance out the large groups of friends from the full premade groups. one area to look at is behavior of the groups. RUIN in particular would queue up and when everyone wouldn’t get a pop, they would have all 8 groups drop. then wait a couple min for that game to start, then queue up again, and repeat this until they get at least 7 groups to pop at once. the result was that multiple epic games were starting with an ally team of like 5-15 against a full 40 man horde team that has been waiting 20m to pwn red text. their behavior was disruptive to more than just the game they ended up being in, which they would often GY farm oppressively to levels that should have caught them a ban for griefing.

when you compare that to teams which just queue sync, take whatever pop they get, and play the map to have fun with friends, its a night and day difference. the later example is in fact extremely healthy for the community and should be encouraged on all sides. RUIN however did not set an example that other’s should follow. their antics could be solved by mixing factions or stopping premades from queue syncing, but then you are throwing the baby out with the bathwather and the legit community positive groups also get harmed, which harms the pvp community as a whole.


meh. in random bgs why would you want the system to punish people. You are already playing for incredibly low stakes and spend so long to get barely no rewards lol

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Don’t open the gates and start the game if there are missing players. Wait until both teams are full, especially in the smaller bgs.

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one honor gear set .
One conquest gear set .
Its not that hard’ stop the token sells to boosters.


Are you calling players who purposefully try to circumvent game restrictions and gain an unfair competitive advantage over the other team… legit?

Premade raids vs. pugs in a bracket that isn’t supposed to have premade raids is harming the PvP community as a whole.

You might think the pugs on the other team are supposed to enjoy playing against your premade raid (in a bracket that isn’t supposed to have premade raids), but they don’t.


They aren’t going to do anything to stop people from doing it anyway because they just allowed (nearly) full grouips to premade queue in tbc classic and are allowing it in SoM so.

im calling players who play together to play together in a MMO legit. getting mad and calling them exploiters isn’t going to win you any friends, but playing with friends will. you have to remember that most complaints in pvp come from losing, so is someone really upset that they ran into a premade or are they simply upset that they lost, or are they blaming their loss on the premade. the problem is that you assume you would have won had the premade not been against you when you have no way of knowing that, odds are you would have lost no matter because most epic premades are nothing more than large yolos of friends of varying skill levels.

the boogyman premade of all handpicked glads that just queues up to only farm you in the AV cave doesn’t exist.