If you thought PVP was neglected past few years, get ready for this

with recent developments in blizzard, there was zero budget allocated to PVP development. now you can expect even less.


shadowlands s2 bm hunters are about to have the same amount of glads as s4 bfa destro locks


Theyre only super oppressive in 2s tho aren’t they? I havent qd much 3s yet but they didnt seem too overboard with three people.

Nothing in the history of the game was as broken as BFA Destro lock. You can’t compare anything to that level of busted and the fact they never got fixed.

dude what r u going on about lol

Where is the proof? I heard they will allocate more budget to PVP.


For DK stuff a dev legit read dk discord for months paying attention to common complaints and then made a bunch of good honor talents and played them for himself during the ptr event and then tweaked them based on suggestions.

Like when I and many other dks said 5 seconds strang is to long and then after playing it on ptr he agreed and made it 4. There’s stuff being done for pvp it’s slow because massive companies have more stuff they have to go through than a small game with 4 devs that can yolo tweak something

All this doompost stuff is legit so old. You made this thread to farm likes from other savix/stoopz viewers man get original.

If you’re not having fun nobody is forcing you to play btw. You can try other games without spazzing out on a public forum. And if someone wants to say crying on the forums is how you get change. No it’s really not.




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They’re pretty oppressive to most comps in the game atm. Jungle prob would be the most dominant comp on ladder if ret/warr didn’t bully it

Ok this is just false lol


Add on to the fact that some wow employees are refusing to work to show solidarity to the people that have been harassed while the company basically denies it; we won’t see any improvement for some time.

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BM is only strong in 2s and is still 4th place behind Holy/DiscPriests and Arms Warriors.

In 3s, the only bracket you can earn Glad, BM is currently sitting 11th.

All the talk about BM is based on a bracket that means very little and primarily from DoT classes that despise Craven Legendary.

I mean, subjective is subjective, but I honestly believe nothing was ever as broken as Shadow Priests in vanilla - Not Classic, but vanilla retail. Before PvP caps and diminishing returns, a Shadow Priest could dive into a group of enemy players and fear them, then DoT every single one of them. Fear would hold for nearly a minute as the dots ticked away. SPs often soloed entire parties of enemy players.



The numbers don’t lie. LOL

yep bm is unplayable in 3s and rbgs just good in 2s


Just hire all these 100 viewer rank 1 Andy’s failing at making a twitch career and put all these sweaty nerds on a dev team.

They won’t even talk to the females in the office because they’re all too busy staring at their own check-pvp and using the N-word


Who said unplayable? Now you’re just misrepresenting arguments. BM is decent in 3s. Not particularly powerful, but not weak either. Ranked 11th place puts them right at “above average”. Since that’s the only bracket where you can get Gladiator, that matters.

there was arena in vanilla?

thats not how representation works


Obviously not. He said “Nothing in the history of the game was as broken as BFA Destro lock.”, not in the history of arena. Nice try at a gotcha though.