hair flips which hits my forehead
Hey watch it!
hair flips which hits my forehead
Hey watch it!
Turns to see what his hair-flip struck
Runs off, shrieking
Ion and I are sitting down for dinner, Ion just got home from work.
Me: “Ion dear how was your day at work?”
Ion: in a sullen voice “I don’t want to talk about it…”
Me: “Ion if you’re upset you need to talk to me.”
Ion: Ion slams his fists onto the table “I don’t want to talk about my day at work, I just got home can you please leave it alone for one day!”
Me: starts sobbing “but we never talk anymore Ion, and I’m worried that our marriage is falling apart!” continues to sob
Ion: Ion takes my hand, his mood has changed “There there baby, it’s alright, I’m sorry, you know not to ask too many questions when I get out of work like that. But don’t worry I forgive you.”
Me: wipes away his tears"Thanks Ion you’re the best, but you know you can talk to me if you need to." smiles gingerly
Ion: goes into another fit of rage, and throws the food, a very well prepared casserole, against the wall and then flips the table over “I told you to leave it alone, look what you made me do!”
Me: crying again “I’m sorry Ion, I’m so sorry!”
And they lived happily ever after, the end.
PvP gear that worked (MoP model)
Currency systems that worked (valor, conquest)
Mission tables that worked (WoD, Legion)
Professions that worked (any xpac aside from BfA was better, this is the height of bad development on this front in WoW’s history)
Being able to delete M+ keys so my guild doesn’t get stuck with 7 King’s Rest or Siege Keys - and we just stop rolling until the next week, people aren’t very interested in having to finish those dungeons, even if we downgrade them.
Basically - I’d ask why he actively removes stuff that works and puts in stuff that doesn’t.
High elves, of course. And possibly some strangling.
Well, we wouldn’t talk about WoW because I’m sure he gets enough of that at work.
I would ask him what his day/week consists of. What other things does he enjoy doing for fun besides video games.
I’d invite him to lunch. Get him drunk and get him to reveal future wow expansions and tell me all the secret developer stuff in game.
I would just consume a consumable with him, that may or may not be legal in all zones of azeroth.
“this is why bfa blows chucks” -Hayhey
So many jokes to be made about this. So many happy fellas named Charles.
I would plead the 5th
If we were there specifically to talk about the game, I’d just say “I don’t play your game anymore because you removed flying and tacked on time gated rep grinds to everything” and that’s all I’d have to say to him.
If he was just magically put in front of me for some reason, I’d just feel awkward and leave, or tell him to get out of my house depending on where we were.
it would be pointless to make two classic wows
I would say good job but the work isn’t done yet
Taco meat.
That sort of defeats the purpose of eliminating PvE/PvP server designation, does it not?
Love this, however it would be more realistic if Ion just hardly ever spoke about anything, and when he did it was condescending.
1.- Don’t be condescending to your customers, Ion.
2.- Relax on the Pathfinder bull, let us fly when we get Loremaster.
3.- Stop the time gates in general.
4.- Relax on allied race requirements, or at least dont time gate them.
5.- We are not stupid, we can find out where PvP vendors are. Bring them back.
6.- Give us ogres and saberon allied races for the Horde, Ion.
7.- Fire your writers and replace them with smart, passionate people.
8.- Don’t ever try another Azerite Armor.
9.- Make world quests spawn constantly or let me grind rep in more ways than WQs.
10.- Don’t be condescending to your customers, Ion.
EDIT: Because this is by far the most important thing:
11.- Take whoever designed Survival Hunters and Hunter Pets this xpac behind a barn, put three in their skull… then have whoever designed them in Legion promoted to Eternal President and CEO of Activision/Blizzard. And change me back to what I was in Legion.
Arcane mage spec… who thought the BFA changes were a good idea?
Thank you for Pathfinder!
I would expect him to simply listen to what you liked about gear, legendary items and community.