If you sat down with Ion what would your conversation consist of?

The rest of her clothes went up in flames when Horde burned Teldrassil.

Probably the cat flap in your door. Did he try to get you to drink ginger ale?

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“Please is explain how a game director who mains shaman seems to keep letting shamans get a kick in the nuts before launch”

Seriously though, I just try to get real answers rather than the mix of guarded lawyer and PR babble he is pretty adept at throwing out on his theories, etc in game design - itemization, loot, difficulty & scaling, etc…

“Why” is always the answer I find most satisfying - even if don’t agree, understanding “why” always makes me feel better - blizz has a tendency not to answer that, or cover it with shifty PR speak.

“The only metric we care about is whether you are having fun” -Ion/watcher

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I talked to Gurgthok back in Legion (Ion’s shaman). According to him, very few players actually approach him in-game with complaints. The majority just commence with small talk.

I asked him why Breath of Sindragosa was taken from my Blood DK at the end of WoD. I had found it to be the most defining ability of the spec-- a good bdk could do AMAZING things with it, but a bad one… not so much-- It was a wonderful high risk, high reward talent to have access to.

His reply was, “I don’t know. But I could go ask someone about it.” I ceased conversing with him after that… The fact that he didn’t know just left me speechless. I do not think he was even aware the talent had existed.

No that’s what i would ask Ion.

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I think this shows the disconnect with the community not knowing how the different roles on the team work. I see his response as indicating that he oversees the broader aspects but does not micromanage so he wouldn’t know all the details that someone on that specific team would know.

Which leads me to what I’d talk to him about, at least in part. I’d like to know what he actually does as Game Director. I’d also like to know how each of the teams work and interact with each other. That’d probably would be it for work/game related stuff. Rest would be normal small talk/ get to know the person type stuff.


I think you’re absolutely right and when you look at the game you can see how its changed when the directors changed.

Ghostcrawler(Gregg street) was a mechanics dev. Thats why we always got new moves, new ideas, bigger better stronger classes that grew each level. He was at the core of making sure the classes were mechanically great and let the team develop the content for them.

Watcher (Ion) is a raid focused dev. Thats why the raids are routinely the highlight of the game now and the rest of it suffers. He doesnt even give a damn about mechanics and shoves it off to someone else, and it shows.

I dont think the game has been anywhere near as good since Ghostcrawler left. Legion was a highlight but why wouldnt it be? They had all of WoD to work on it, an extensive alpha cycle and tons of feedback. This xpac had great advertising and a solid premise but the execution has been horrible and I dont think anyone is really feeling excited about the future of this game.

A realistic solution would be to have Ion as the “Content lead developer” and another guy as the “Mechanics lead developer.” That way this game would be a lot better than it is right now.


I would ask to hear what the ideas were that they threw away when they decided on BfA. Be interesting to hear what we could have had.

This is why BFA blows chunks. The lawyer didnt listen in alpha beta or now.

Him talking to me for 20mins without saying anything and then me saying to him ‘cool, makes sense’

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It would be like this:
“Ion, I didn’t want to be the one to do this…but, we’re letting you go.”
~There would be no questions.


I’d ask about that cool name, and if it means anything other than an electrically charged atom or upgraded Green Lantern.

I got a chance to meet him at last Blizzcon at the Hilton. He was a really chill guy. Talked with us for a bit and took some pictures with us. I was pretty intoxicated so before I left… I gave him a hug lol.
Might not be popular but I like Ion. If I had a chance to sit down (sober) and have a chat, I would ask him if he could show me the roadmap they have for the game. I also would like to know how they felt Azerite armor failed and how come they did not see it coming. After that? Probably just small talk and see what happens.


Our conversation would be about the game developers conversing with the community on a weekly/biweekly basis, what’s taking so long with Zandalari and Kultirans, what is the real reason why flying isn’t available until the interest in the expansion mostly dies, and stuff about the loot system.

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I would ask him to read me a story…any story! He has such a soothingly calm voice!

i can only imagine what he sounds like angry


I’d ask him about how he feels about his first release being such a failure and what ways he thinks he may be capable of making a better expansion for his second release.

Yes because your guild name is SO appropriate for the game world we’re in and has NO real world context whatsoever.
and I agree with Ambridge btw; that drop rate bump would be HUGE.
Flips hair

How are you agreeing with him when that’s exactly what he suggested?

To be clear he said there is a big difference from 1-5% and 1-90%. So i clarified 1-5% was EXACTLY what i was thinking.

That is a 5 times increase but it would still require on average 20 clears to get it which is MORE than enough for a 10+ year old mount.

The only HUGE increase is the world bosses which would go to 1 or maybe 2% from the crazy 0.1% and 0.2% they are now.

Back to the subject…

I’d order up a sumptuous lunch, eat BOTH of our desserts and stiff him with the bill.
Flips hair

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