If you played since launch, you've only spent $3450 on WoW

PC expense would only apply if you bought the computer specifically for WoW and never used it for anything else.

At that point why stop with PC expense? Why not add in internet costs? Electricity? etc.


that would be just subscription costs. i still pay at least 30$ monthly for internet access, and around 9000$ on the four laptops and five razer naga mice iā€™ve used to play WoW since 2008

Itā€™s crazy how much they charge for what I assume are fully automated processes

I just changed my guilds name, $27AuD

Boosts, ok maybe - still very expensive.

But things like name/race changes?

Then you should change the topic to ā€œonly given Blizzardā€ or something but I get you ā€¦ if thatā€™s the case I can promise you that Iā€™ve spent probably thousands on internet JUST for WoW so yeahā€¦

I went on a date with a cute girl and we went back to her place and she was like hey wanna play call of duty iā€™m like sure (had never played it before)
I beat her and finished first in the online mode and that was the end of the date and i never saw her again

Iā€™d argue call of duty ends relationships :joy:


If you add in the cost of wow preventing you from having a gf, then you can save unlimited amounts of money.

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Get broke.

It still has nothing to do with the game itself. I mean itā€™s events that has nothing to do with this game outside of being a place where the two people with common interests met.

Well iā€™m sorry for not believing this idea that social aspects or something like this is exclusive to WoW only, but iā€™m not going to treat WoW as anything special because itā€™s just an online game at the end of the day regardless how much phenomenon was surrounding it. :man_shrugging:

Try selling me a game where you can actually get married in. Whatā€™s preventing me from doing the same exact thing on other online games?

Yeah I donā€™t really want to think about what Iā€™ve spent but Iā€™ve met some great people and frankly it probably saved my wife and I more than we ever spent.

Runescape, lumbridge church

Ah, was thinking the 6 months was $12. At $13 the savings would be $340.

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Okay follow up question then, whatā€™s stopping me from doing the same thing on other online games since real life marriage doesnā€™t really have anything to do with games and only related if thatā€™s the place you picked for marrying your spouse in?

Whatā€™s stopping me from taking my marriage in CoD? in GW2? In Star Wars? In GTA online? In Rocket League? and so on?

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Iā€™ve spent over $3000 in the Blizz store over that time.

Thats too many words for me at 3am but lumby church marriages was a meme in runescape and very popular in 2005-2006. It was basically a rite of passage and you werent cool if you didnā€™t

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Okay. I mean i suppose that is somewhat interesting to know, gives me something to google later on. :no_mouth:

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I meant i donā€™t want to elaborate on the topic at this time while typing on my phone :joy: beyond just saying that runescape ingame marriages were a really really popular thing lol and for who knows what reason that playerbase really cared about edating. But everyone was like 12-15 years old

So actually theres a really cool article about the ERP that happens in lumbridge nowadays in world 3 and its basically RMT

SWG had a marriage system. My wife even managed to convince a CSR to change her characters last name to fit.

I even bought all the Collectorā€™s Edition. But I stopped buying all the games on the shelves except all GTAs, StarCraft and Diablo. Oh yeah, I also bought Overwatch and accidentally bought SWTOR Collectorā€™s Edition.

What can I do? PC Gaming is my hobby. And I love every minute of it.

Oh joy. Even on Classic Runescape? :nauseated_face:

Oh that i canā€™t say, but if you google lumbridge world 3 reddit you can learn a lot :dizzy_face:

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