If you Play BM Hunter

I really don’t like you that is all I will say…

And leave this Image



how do you already have over 3000 arenas played

i was finna ask the same thing

I don’t not even close like 300 something.

Is it cause we initiated a blood plague back in classic that killed 90% of the world population…?

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No it’s more about your current plague in 2s.


I support this but like… you literally play with a BM. Like the last two times I’ve seen you was with a BM lol.


Shhhhhhhhh… quiet

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Why don’t you hate Priests too?

I think you emoted me the other day after a 2s game…can’t remember which of my 3 bm hunters I was playing.


Next time I see you and you are still spec into BM I am going to *Spit on you again. I think BM hunters and RSham with Earth Ele Leggo are killing my WoW Arena Spirit.


Ah Vendes the person who cried about everything in 2’s despite playing destro/hpriest in bfa and now cries about bm/2’s balance despite moving onto playing bm/hpriest 2’s


You can emote all you want after you lose. I’m not going to stop playing the same spec I’ve enjoyed for 16+ years just because it hurts your feelings.


BM is atrocious, however the Hog hasn’t FOTM rerolled to it.


Sounds like a fair transaction to me. Just don’t be afraid to admit you jump on your BM when its broken and not when it’s useless. You don’t start playing Surv/MM. You just quit and play Warrior. So that really is pretty much a FOTM reroll.

Hog is a hero. All the other ones boosted their hunter the millisecond they saw it was broken. Salivating at the prospect of temporary success

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That is incorrect, he played BM all through BFA and got glad all 4 seasons. BM wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t amazing either.


Yeah Hog has been a BM god for years.

Talk your trash if you must Vend, but don’t come at him with that.

Someone who played Hp/Destro all of BFA S4 and said it was a skill comp is now complaining about BM.


why is Hogx and Covlol’s Mogs just so awesome? Hunters now are OP as BM and have the best Mogs?

edit: not sure why i quoted you sorry

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