If you hate Vulpera...could be worse, could have lalafell

She doesn’t look like a kid to me, just young.

I’ll take the fairy loli’s over the furries any day.


That’s not a good thing to say on the internet…

I definitely hesitated when I was looking into the game years ago. It was worth working past though, it’s an amazing RPG.

Kan-E-Senna never looked that young to me. Young yes but not like teenage. At least to my eyes. Also anime girls always look young and the style is very anime.

Lallafel are… interesting. Not my cup of tea (I’d play Hyur or Roegadyn) but better than the beasties.

Bettew than vuwpewa uwu :rofl:


Tarutaru!!! Where great

Anyroad. . .

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The funny thing about Lalafell in FFXIV is that some (many) of them end up being the most despicable high profile villains you encounter lol. The evil lala sneer is truly a disturbing sight to behold.

The only Lalafells you should ever trust are the Sultana of Uldah and Tataru Taru, the Scion’s secretary. Chances are that any other lala’s will probably try to rob and/or kill you.

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Looked them up, they look like elvish teletubbies. And I love vulpera, if the horde doesn’t want them the Alliance would gladly take them in :3

gnomes anime?

they’re both adorable, and neither are furries, so that’s a HUGE plus

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A shame you did not count our fallen scion who sacrificed himself to save us all amongst those trusted ones.

Also they are just the wow version of gnomes with a side of devious cunning. Actually WoW gnomes are pretty much the same but with a fetish for inventions and tech. Both races look like children and it’s super creepy when people romanticize either of them.


Lalafell really do look like children… good grief… I had to search it on Google.

Ah you’re right I did forget Papalymo! He’s been gone so long now!


Lalas control the media, the banks, and the governments in FF14.

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Popotoes! :stuck_out_tongue:


To be honest, that’s frighteningly accurate in some cases.

I like them. Not everything needs to be settling.

All “races” that are put in a game to be an excuse to have lolis and cat/furry girls is a mistake.

Vulperas arent that, the horrible creatores of ff and tera are those

they literally share voice options with the other races lmao
its just your weird bias making you think that.