If you had to redesign shadow AOE what would you suggest?

After thinking about this problem a bit more, I think I know the type of rotation I would like for shadow aoe.

1 cd based ability that spreads our weaker dot.

1 aoe resource spender

1 proc that cleaves to targets affected by our weakest dot which scales in frequency based on number of targets.

1 filler spell to use when all targets are affected by our weakest dot

For PvP, actual DoT protection. The little horrify when Vampiric Touch is cleansed is clearly not an effective deterrent. Being able to cancel ALL of a shadow priest’s damage for the cost of eating a 3 second CC is ridiculous.

Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain just need to do more damage. They are pathetic to the point that they can just be passively healed by every class in PvP.

I would like Mind Blast to actually be fun to press. For the majority of WoW, mind blast was a spell that would generate the biggest individual numbers for Shadow, but now it hits like the single tick of a DoT.

Literally any sort of mobility. Every single classes has gotten multiple mobility upgrades except Shadow Priest. We have the same mobility as a WoW Classic Shadow Priest.