If you had 30 seconds to ask a lore question at Blizzcon what would you ask?

We have many debates here about lore and question if Blizzard even knows what they are doing or the implications of their actions.

So if you were given a chance to walk down that line and be given 30 seconds to ask a question.

What would you ask? What would you bring directly to their attention?


How killing 1 Val’kyr is revenge for intentionally killing several thousands of civilians and if they have any plans to continue the night elf lore without being punching bags for the horde.


That is a hard question, because their answer can vacillate, be non commital, or vague.

If I had Wonder Woman’s lasso of Truth, though…

My question: Whats AU Garona up to?

We have the MU Garona and an AU Garona.


If I had Cursewords Lasso I’d ask them for a straight answer on why Sira and the other night elves decided to fight for Sylvanas. Cause no one in game seems willing to answer that question right now.


“Why sell us a story where the alliance grows a set and initiates a war (because sylvanas murdered a bunch of forsaken and calia menethil) with a pretty epic intro scene outside of Lordaeron City, when in reality you were planning on villain-batting the entire horde faction, including the players?”

Either that or…

“Why isn’t the genocide of the night elven people more important to you, and why do you think an indecisive battle on darkshore was enough to avenge that? Do you know the actual definition of vengeance?”


What exactly happened to Alterac? The last time we saw it in Day of the Dragon, it was post-Second War and the kingdom was still intact, including the capital city. Perenolde was under house arrest and Deathwing was trying to take control politically. Next time we see it is in WoW, and it’s a dead kingdom whose capital is in ruins, occupied by ogres. Was it a gradual process? Did Stromgarde freak out and do it? Was it the Scourge?

My main fear is that if I actually had a chance to ask that question, I’d get a b.s. reply. Something jokey or a non-answer. Because I honestly don’t think the people in charge now have given a single thought to it. The original story crew of Metzen and co. might have back in the day, but not the current guys.


Assuming I have a magic lasso…

With all of the other events happening in BfA, why did you think people would care about a story focusing on characters like Sadfang, Baine, Jaina, etc being unhappy with Sylvanas?


Out of all the possible things that could have been the main focus and story this expansion, (Azerite, the island nations, Azshara, etc) why the faction war?


What’s the point of BfA?


Why do you hate night elves and keep trying to make them less interesting?


What is Thrall’s role going to be post-BfA? If I promise never to use this lasso on you again, will you please perma-kill him?


/10 characters


To try to put it in a less aggressive way:

“Did the depth of the reaction to the Burning of Teldrassil surprise you? Did your initial plans for the story account for that strong of a reaction, and if not, how are you intending to change them?”


^ This ten char


With a story meant to resolve the faction conflict, why did you start it with one side suffering from a genocide caused by the other?


nah man, this is the same company that asked us “don’t you guys have phones?” when we were annoyed that we spend thousands of dollars on PC’s just to have a mobile diablo game be their big diablo announcement at blizzcon. they don’t deserve our diplomacy when they shove big FU’s in the players faces.

I do approve of you trying to be diplomatic, though. my way would likely get a sarcastic response. yours might get an attempt at reason


Does the lore question need to pertain to WoW?

If not: Is the Warcraft Film Universe dead after just one movie?

Others here can cover the questions we’ve had about BFA and previous expansions but the film universe bleak future really does bother me and I don’t know why.


I get it man. i didn’t hate the movie myself. I mean i went into it with super low expectations, and was actually pretty pleasantly surprised.


I could not get past the first 12 minutes.
It should have been animated… not live action.


yeah, that was jarring. but the acting wasn’t like… “Thankskilling” level bad, and once you got past the gratuitous CGI, it really was quite watchable.

I actually do know why it bothers me so much. I was the opposite of you. I set my expectations too high and never considered the possibility that the movie would not be a blockbuster hit.

Problems aside, I still enjoyed the film but the lackluster support it received in the U.S. and the reviews that tore it to shreds (many of which I felt was unfair) really took a mental toll on me.