If you forgot it, it's probably not that important

Class Dev: “I think I forgot something?!”

Blizzard: “Hey, if you forgot it – then it probably wasn’t all that important!” :beers:

Class Dev: :beer: :joy: “Yeah, I guess.”

Meanwhile, over at Shamans –

:cloud_with_lightning: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :cloud_with_lightning:
:tornado: :sob: :tornado:

Gameplay aside — It’d also be nice to get some more lore relevance & story towards shaman again (outside of just Thrall alone)Especially for the spiritual side of them, given that appears to be all but forgotten now :pensive:


Don’t remind me how bad it is. I’m reminded every time I log in.

Wouldnt even be the first time this happened.


Shay…man? Sorry I’m not familiar with this class. Is this something that didn’t get passed the 2003 beta? It might be a class blizz introduces in 12.0.

I have an inside source saying Thrall is going to be killed off so they are going to delete all Shamans.


a War Withinside source? :upside_down_face:


Canonically, they really are downplaying the power of the elements. Maybe shamans need to borrow more?

I agree, they need to add sentry totem back.

Removing sentry totem single handedly broke the class. It’s unplayable.

At this point I think we’ll be lucky if they even bother to fully implement the hero talents.

It’s a bad sign when the shamans in beta are running /cancelaura macros for Tempest.

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Id rather this taken out. I wish for pure elemental shaman. No ancestor mumbo jumbo. You dont need to care about old dead people centuries ago to weild elements.

In fairness, that’s a tuning issue and the tuning passes haven’t really happened yet AFAIK.
No, it’s not a well-designed ability (and unfortunately design is like 95% of the reason Shamans want Blizzard to look at their class – it ain’t happening friends, sorry), but it’ll still be worth hitting number wise by the time we go live.

It’s not really a tuning issue, it’s an issue of it replacing Lightning Bolt while not interacting with any of Lightning Bolt’s talents.

And we don’t know if that’s an intended design decision or if it’s just not fully implemented yet because Blizzard won’t freaking talk to us.

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:joy: :joy: :joy:
:sob: :sob: :sob:

They seemed to be going in a good direction with ‘The Primalists’ – However they’re squandering so much of their potential by just discarding them …

  • It’d be neat to have a handful of Primalists rejoin their societies amongs the Alliance & Horde too, with Vyranoth coming to our side & Iridikron in the wind … Heck you could have some agents of his waiting in our factions until the time is ripe – whether as antagonists, or anti-hero protagonists against Titan threats in the future.

If they introduced shamanism to more races and shaman became more popular amongst the playerbase somewhat, perhaps they’ll give the class some welcome changes too (doubtful, but who knows) :person_shrugging: … Personally speaking, I rather like elemental’s playstyle – I’m just not a fan of the cast time of elemental blast or the lame damage output of earthquake. lol

More Shaman Lore Potential, along with more Shaman Races —

Shamanistic powers could be justified in exciting ways from the Dragonflight expansion, such as

  • Given Primalists recruited more by their side in offering them elemental powers through powerful primal elemental dragons, the Incarnates themselves or immensely powerful elemental spirits.
  • You could also argue the elements & the land of the isles “awakening” had awoken power within those who journeyed there, and discovered shamanism.

But hey! Fingers crossed we’ll get some more attention for shamans … Eventually :rofl:

Inside the cooler? No you don’t

If only there were some kind of story involving ancient dragons infused with elemental power, and their shamanistic followers. Something like that would be a fine time for a group like the earthen ring to get involved. Too bad we haven’t had something like that…


Yep, I mentioned that already :joy:

Along with extended hopes bellow it :pleading_face:

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Don’t listen to Paladins. They’ve been trying to remove Shaman since Shaman joined the Horde. Bad blood from the 1st War…

No no no. Shamans respect the F of Paladins. If this personal info I apologize on behalf of every Paladin I have played. Don’t start this

sounds like business as usual.