If You Could Play as Any Race In Warcraft Lore

Murloc. Easy.

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As much as I’d pick Old God, it will break my immersion if I could still die from random crabs and critters.

Leper Gnome
Botani (especially it they have unique druid forms)
Undead Scientist (from Maldraxxus)
Any robot from Mechagon Island
Fully Mechanized Mechagnome
Skinny Human (with a long wizard beard!)
Undermine Goblin (1920s mobster themed Goblin Allied Race)
Fat Goblin
Stone Fiend
Young Dragon (like a small Highland Drake)
Wicker Construct
Witch (from Drustvar)
Witch Matron (from Drustvar)
Imp (haha hilarious!)

Dragonmaw Orcs - (this may happen with customization option)
Fel Orcs, see above :arrow_double_up:
Leper Gnomes
Arakkoa (WoD version)
Forest Trolls

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That’s easy. Human.

Murloc rogue, as long as I make the gurgling sound whenever I come out of stealth.

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Murlocs would be hilarious.

Aslo, gnolls.

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I would pick!

human, i know boring

but look at this dude? full beard and he is a hulk with those arms. Thats a 10/10 transformation in my book.

They’re basically just female Draenei with wings. Since the Eredar race joined the burning legion… They’re just really promiscuous Eredar lol

Nah, totally different. They have horns on their heels, long ears like Elves, scales on their legs, their tails are long and slender, their horns are in a different place, they don’t have tentacles behind their ears, etc. Plus the wings, which you’ve already mentioned.

The draenei have pointy ears like elves though… And horns on their heads… And female draenei have slim tails, only the men have chode tails lol. And the tentacles are optional on the draenei models as well.

I’m just saying they’re probably just eredar that grew scales and wings and are just really really randy lol

Original Tauren.

Naga is the first thing that comes to mind. Faceless ones would also be cool. Nerubians, love my funky little spider dudes. Dragon (especially Netherwing). But if I had to pin down just race… hmmm. Let me play as the peafowl carrion birds tameable by hunters, just… not tameable as a playable race. :sweat_smile:

Pointy, but not long :frowning:

Succubus horns are on the forehead, whereas Draenei horns are more on the mid section of the head. I’m not saying one option is better than the other, but they are fundamentally different lol

The tentacles are not optional for female Draenei. You can only choose between thin or thick tentacles.


Sadly, they are not. They are their own thing, a race called Sayaad.

I know it may sound like I’m being extra-picky, but that’s because I am. As a connoisseur of fictional Demon girls, it is my duty to over-analyze every detail to an exhausting degree lol

High elves.

Gnoll would be very fun.

I mean, I reckon there are crabs out there who are way stronger than C’thun these days lol

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San’layn/Darkfallen or Arakkoa.

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titan construct.
so like hear me out.
lightning dwarfs.
gnome robits ( see memron )
metal man. ( see loki or odynn )
metal woman ( freya from… yog place )

Must admit I’ve always thought it would be fun to do a pet-class role reversal where my Imp is my main and it has a Warlock (as a) pet, or a cat that has a Hunter (as a) pet.

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I think initially I would’ve said Blood Elf, and I’m still strongly thinking blood elf. But, I’ve recently been rolling dwarves and they’re pretty cool.