Troll facial hair
Like… it’s nothing major, idk why my beautiful boys can’t grow beautiful beards!
Troll facial hair
Like… it’s nothing major, idk why my beautiful boys can’t grow beautiful beards!
Only one??? I am disappointed but okay…
Tiny Tauren about the size of a Gnome. That would be so cool!
Arcane effects for Nightborne! I want some glowing hands and/or hair.
Still waiting on my Cutie Mark…
If the Undead race could wear armour without the ripped effect/bones showing, I probably would have one.
Bigger ponytail for female blood elf, as well as the option to choose the more voluptuous body type that uses the female blood elf model. Alexstrasza, Ysera, Sylvanas - these characters use that model type which has a much broader hip size, and bigger bust.
But considering that one will never happen - yeah, I’d like a more floofy option for ponytails for blood elf female.
Full body Mechanization.
That’s coming in SL. I don’t intend to use it on this guy (robes are fine), but my UD DK will probably get it. Plate armor that cuts off at the knees is not exactly ideal.
Now, for a customization wish… color tinting options on spell effects. I have green fire, and I do so love it. I’d like to share that with everyone, so mages could have their blue fire, paladins could go “shadowy” if they wanted, the whole nine yards.
Some folk get all the luck.
More Cosmetic Hats for my Round-boy pirate.
Boob slider for B(oob)elves
Scars. Scars. More scars. I just. Want. Scars. Everyone deserves them.
I want them for my Draenei so bad.
Ah. Finally.
Beards for trolls. Really hoping the beards are on the way.
I don’t know if this counts, but I would love it if Blizzard would fix night elf male foreheads so that we can wear hats like Feathermoon Headdress again without it blocking our vision.
Forsaken undead raised from different races!
Hair under some hoods and helmets depending on your hairstyle
Playable Sethrak…
And tails for Worgen.
adjustable codpiece slider.
New crazy beard options for Dwarves