If you can't make mech type mounts dynamic fly

And no mount should static fly at dragon riding speed. All mounts should eventually be capable of doing both. But no mount should static fly at dragon riding speed.


finally some agreeable takes

yes. with the option of 310%

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I think what Shadina is getting at, is that particular part of your suggestion is something a lot of people are going to find objectionable. Whereas your actual goal of improving mech mounts in general is something a lot of players can get behind.

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why? whats the difference? tell me.

The effort put in. Dragon flying requires constant attention and inputs, which is why itā€™s so much faster than static flight. Static flight requires no effort.

Iā€™m 100% behind the concept of every mount should be able to do both if it is capable of flight. And we should have the option. And Blizzard should put the effort into making all mounts capable of flight capable of performing both.

I am in no way supportive of static flight at dragon riding speed though. Point and auto running at that speed makes no sense to me.

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constant attention? i fly up and then tilt down and get to point B without even touching the keyboard or mouse.

same can be done with regular flying

I donā€™t understand the reticence here. Itā€™s got jets and wings, itā€™s faster than my dragon with Christmas decorations.

it has jets and wings. so it should fly at dynamic speed

good insight

You donā€™t go very far or do things like dragon races and courses then if thatā€™s all you do with it.

Itā€™s a bad take in my opinion, and thankfully something theyā€™ll never do. I hope mechs get dynamic flight but never something like this which I personally find a bit ridiculous.

idc about dragon races and courses. thats what the normal dynamic flying is for

im talking about flying from point a to b on my expensive flying mount

And I donā€™t agree with something expensive (when it isnā€™t even that expensive) somehow just being given that because it was at the time expensive. Sorry. I think itā€™s a bad take. I hope they make it capable of dynamic flight. Thereā€™s other mounts which require more effort than that which should also get dynamic flight. But not nonsense like static flight at dynamic speed.

the warframe has literal rockets propelling it. rockets are fast so it should fly at dynamic speeds at the very least

I can see an option to have it switch between static mode and dynamic mode.
has to be done on the ground and having a cast time as long as summoning a normal mount.
Having it fly in the manner of static flight with z axis ascending and hovering with dynamic speeds? Doubtful.

but its doable

Perhaps, but in the same vein we both are wearing plate armor. We should sink and drown every time we go into water.

The problem with having static flight at 800% speed is the instant acceleration. It would be difficult to control with any precision when youā€™re trying to land on a small spot or maneuver in a tight area.

The slower speed makes it much easier.

I hope the broom comes with a dynamic flight option. The way they fly in the Harry Potter movies looks like it would fit.

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Theres always ONE!

People called it back when we had the dynamic vs normal flight threads before it was put in DF, and some people did call it when they said we would then be asking for 800% speed on top of it!

Man i defended that no one would ask for that, i hate that i was wrong. :frowning:

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This one should be able to do the dynamic flying bit. Since I paid $25 for it it should show up on the trading post at some point.

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