If you are going to make an awful change

Ah, now the assumptions begin. Imagine being so salty you were wrong after being so toxic.
And no, I don’t raid log. I’ve got three 60’s, that each make their own cash, and none of them involve being stuck in an instance.

Oooff, so toxic.

How embarrassing :joy:

Instead of being such a smart [Censored], elitist flog next time, understand I was trying to help you.

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Lol you Alpha retards are serious. How pathetic is it to have to bring your friends in to see you can’t read. Pathetic trolls.

They’re all my characters! Lmao. Who else other than the same person would use the same theme in their name? Damn you don’t get out much, huh?

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Than I guess you are the solo troll, good for you. My point still stands people who actively play the game have worries about locking out and deserve more information. Im not sure what you tried to contribute here but I dont see anything but you being a troll. You tried to help nothing.

That’s because your ego is so inflated, you’re blind.
My very first comment stated raids (albeit, only 40-man) aren’t affected by the lockout. So that’s MC and BWL. The two main raids currently.
I agree, they should have put a counter in for sure, but they haven’t. I was trying to tell you that you needed not to worry about the two above raids.

Nothing to do with ego, Im worried about 20 man lock outs also. This shouldn’t be an extra worry put on the player base when we’re paying for the game. Being because we solo farm, boost or just need the lock out for something my point is that we shouldn’t have to go out of our way to try and remember an arbitrary number without even knowing what time the 30 reset counter resets.

Understood, and I agree. I was only trying to alleviate some of your stress… to begin with, anyway.

Mages should just be disabled on classic

Pretty sure I have cancer now after reading all of the above comments. This change was aids, and if you like it you’re bad and should feel bad.