1Outside of the new designs/raids new world content not saing all but most People when talking about Is what in content should be are Vague at most.
2 wat are Cough Cough ok/ Tasteful Changes Class or otherwise What’s too much what’s not enough ? Are sosososososo Different the wow Player please Cant agree so How can blizzard ?
3 Who is blizzard Making Classic + for People that like Vanilla tbc wrath cata mop ? Or a combination ?
4 Let’s pretend Blizzard makes Classic + is it going to please everyone NO But let’s pretend it’s amazing Does it matter If we don’t give it a chance ?
The Problem is so many people Have it in their minds Classic + is and If It doesn’t fit that vision FOR then They won’t try it No matter how good it is.
5 OK Fundamentally IS SOD A FOM OF CLASSIC + YES now is sod good yes at lest i thek so Does that means for everyone NO Does that?
Means perfect NO But for a first attempt it’s a solid try.
6 sod is a bata test yes did Is they try a lot of things that players have been asking for years yes did that all hit no but That doesn’t mean sod Wasn’t fun.
Not all no But name one version of wow Or any game That every single part was fun It doesn’t exist Is plain and Simple Whether it be mario 3 or zelda linked to the past Is great games yes But they all had their boring/bad Parts doesn’t mean they were bad games.
6 ok with sod Blizzard did something we’ve been asking them to do for Years They took risks This is always fascinating to me When you Take RISKS They’re not always going to land That’s why it’s called a Risk so You either take a risk Or you don’t And it may or me not land you can’t have it both ways.
7 Every single wow Player Thinks their version of Classic+ Is the right one and the one that blizzard should go with and Every
Single one of those versions are different from one another so where does blizzard start ?
Ok i no This post has been a bit long buds to the point I hear a lot of people saying classic + and
I’m on the opinion at this point.If blizzard did make it It didn’t matter how good it is Or isn’t people still wouldn’t try it
Mainly because if it doesn’t fit their vision of what that should be It’s going to be bad in their minds Weather be too far weather.Be not far enough.
Or they should just copy t wow Personally when I look at that I don’t think it’s far enough.And I think the class changes are boring sod Classes are much more interesting.
But that’s my opinion And honestly at this point I think the only thing that the wow Player base could probably agree on when it comes to classic+ Is that? We can agree on anything so if we cant How can blizzard possibly do a good classic + ? Thoughts ?