If we can "merge" 2 legendries in 9.1 which would you pick?

Balance of All things and Arcane Pulsar, obviously.

Would probably get nerfed into oblivion, though.

hehe dark titan’s and circle… :smiling_imp:

Circle and drought:)

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2 Legendaries would be awesome. I think my Guardian build would totally Thrash everything. Ravenous Frenzy + Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc + Unchecked Aggression + Endless Thirst + Inscrutable Quantum Device = total carnage.

Restoration: Circle of Life and Death + Draught of Deep Focus.
Feral: Cat-Eye Curio + Apex Predator’s Craving.
Balance: Balance of all Things + Primordial Arcane Pulsar.
Guardian: Ursoc’s Fury Remembered + Luffa-Infused Embrace.

Circle + Apex for feral would probably be awesome for M+.

For raid I’m not sure honestly. Maybe draught+Apex on ST?

boat and oath for pvp all day

Call of the Wild and Qapla

Agree with this, that build would blast!

Would depend on the fight, but I was thinking draught/circle since draught will be doing huge damage. I haven’t had good RNG with apex procs on single target.

Alternatively you could try daught and frenzyband with the Taste For Blood conduit. Haven’t tested frenzyband yet so dont know if it’s any good after its recent buff.

Frenzy band only impacts CP generators I believe so probably not on that one. Sadly the design just isn’t great.

Disc: Penitent One and Twins
Holy: X’anshi and Flash Concentration
Shadow: Talbs and SFP