If Warcraft had a dating sim

Holy, you weren’t kidding.

That’s very gay.

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This is Overwatch. If the Box art character did not tip you off I dont know what will.

Damn, Blizzard is desperate…

Hell yeah bring on the dating.

I’d check out the other Draenri

Eh, Blizzard has done flash game spin offs before. This one I think was just going “wouldnt it be cool to have a dating sim for one game where people keep shipping everyone”?

OH so it’s like the players go on a date with characters? That’s a really good idea, I feel like a lot of gamers need the practice tbh.

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True, but, I think it’s fair to leave them happy with who they have. So for me I’d be picking

Rexxar - the quiet muscle brute who’s standoffish but you win him over by winning over Misha first.
Uther - The devoted paladin who just wants to protect you, but you have to take things slow with him because he dosen’t want to rush it.
King Rastakhan - The big thighs daddy of the Zandalari, he dosen’t trust you at first but you win him over by uncovering the plotting of the prophet Zul against him and help fix his relationship with his daughter.

Shandris - The war general of the sentinals who you win over with loyalty and helping her regain her land.
Garona - The halforc assasin with a lot of issues and a lot of baggage, maybe she just needs someone she can finally trust.
Vereesa Windrunner - The youngest windrunner sister and now widow, can you help her accept her loss and move on to find a new love?

Edit: Hire me Blizzard.

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The cringe is strong.


Dating sims you say?

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For the people who haven’t completely gone down the rabbit hole of no life…?

or for the people who have already gone down that rabbit hole and need some kind of pseudo effection?


Or because it can be fun? Especially if the dialog is good.


I mean everybody thinks something different is fun I can’t help but find it creepy.

And yes I have played one and I don’t feel proud of that

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Meh, to each their own.
I play them every so often and I treat it no differently then a romance novel.

I agree. They are the same

Vareesa Windrunner is single, so…

6 foot
6 pack
6 figures
or don’t even try to get with this hotness.


No love for Khadgar?

or Sabellian? He’s hotter than Wrathion, in my opinion. Maybe I just like the older guys.