If u have 350k health and are at 1600cr

PvP is not so simple. You have to be aware of drs and CDs. You can’t los your healer. You especially have to save your interrupts for greater pyros and chaos bolts. Not only that you need to know when to switch and when to peel. You can still do everything right and lose to op comps or a teammate miscalculation. Simply put, you just have to play a long long time to git gud. Or find high ranked players who are willing to teach you. I’d never mock another player because I’ve been there. Help them out with what they are doing wrong and be nice…we need more ppl to queue.


Should be obvious that people use HP as a proxy for ilvl. And yes ilvl does = rating to a large degree. A high ilvl will let you float hundreds of rating above where you should be and will cover an absurd amount of mistakes and poor strategy decisions.

While hp helps…playing smart and running away during bursts, timing healer cc during your burst will almost always win you the fight.

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the boy Lust hitting 72k tvs on a 380ilvl ret btw

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Or, it could be your Friday night ritual to play 2v2 arena with your friend and do some heavy drinking which causes you both to to play… sub par.

I’ve had mirror matches where I’ve been severely out geared (almost double my hp) and I’ve won most of them.

Gear will only carry you so far.

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So you think there won’t be geared idiots in classic railing you too? Weird…

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Someone outgearing me in Classic and killing me honestly wouldn’t bother me. I know what Classic is about for the most part and fully accept it.I hold BfA to a higher standard though.

When the game introduces a form of PvP content with objective measurements of skill and a reward system based around it I expect a lot more from it with regards to balance and fairness. I’d hope most people would feel the same way.

Actually (depending on class) a character in greens could kill a character in full purples in classic. Same applies to TBC as well.

eh. idk about this. i played double windwalker with healingstat and he had total crap gear. like 20 ilvls behind me(or so cant remember), most games we played he smoked me in healing, would match and sometimes beat my damage, and in general he was leagues better. I agree ilvl is an advantage but if you really know what you’re doing i dont think it matters enough to “float hundreds of rating above where you should be”. ESPECIALLY right now, most people that i’ve talked to are hundreds of rating below where they normally are.

  1. The entire ladder is less active so most people are below where they’d normally expect to be.
  2. Some people could be geared and be higher than they really should be, and some people could be undergeared and lower than where they should be.
  3. If a multi r1 god-tier player was able to match or slightly outperform you that’s not saying much and that’s no disrespect to you as I’d say the same thing about myself.

Just as a personal example I was helping my friend cap his ~412 mw last week and we faced a geared DH in the 1900’s who immediately stunned then kicked him 1 sec later while he was stunned. Just idiotic stuff like that I see constantly now. Assassin Rogues dr’ing kidney, uhdk’s using ams randomly, etc. yet they can still win because of gear and just their class being ridiculous.

That one reason why i think bfa is so bad, any returning player is gonna see how much they have to grind and just nope out again at least until next expansion.

Im pretty sure this is the most alt unfriendly the game has ever been.

what about a 900k bear drood at 1300? is that like… some sort of black hole or something?

It is boring, I do like 1 level a day because I don’t want to play wow 15 hours a day anymore.
but retail is just as boring as classic because you realize theres less abilities and counterplay in bfa than there is in a 2003 beta designed 2006 current patch game lmao

that sounds…terrible.

You should look up the dunning Kruger effect- Its very real. There is a reason blizz gave us a ignore option.

EDIT - Hexes didnt say that it was just part of his post.

Duude not gunna lie it’s crazy how geared people are right now. I’ve been trying to play with Milkman who’s just coming back and he’s still severely undergeared at like 423 ilvl without even 60 neck and everyone we fight us 440 ilvl maxed out gear, essences, optimal stats and azerite, and playing a god tier comp.

It’s so miserable to deal with and it’s driving me crazy. Being undergeared is extremely frustrating and you just cannot only PvP - you need to commit a good amount into M+ and Raiding as well.


You’re assuming everyone takes arena as seriously as you. I know a Mage with 447 ilvl that’s chested +20 keys and is only at 1600.

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This frustrates me to no end. I am like 10 ilvl higher than most opponents of my class yet their skill and coordination will win them the fight. Its not too bad when it’s only a 10 ilvl difference but I get livid if I lose to someone 40 ilvl lower…not sure what they are doing that lets them keep up in damage and survivability.

No f templates, give me WoD pvp gear back