If Turalyon becomes king, I want the option to leave the Alliance

I can only hope that as Alliance we will do something other than embrace our victimizers, fight their battles, and clean up their messes. And all this while pretending we don’t have an overwhelming advantage over those squalor monkeys.

Already in the process of leaving the alliance might go troll for balance spec though tauren looks pretty good.

was on twitter and someone who speaks german asked the same question and then went and translated, but they seemed to verify that the information was correct in essence, the wording was slightly off, but the meaning the same. how true is that I don’t know? but I did read that yesterday.

Oh god, for real? That’s such a dumb idea. It’s like the only way they know how to create story within a faction is to make them the villain or create conflict within it. I guess they’re determined to ruin the personality and characters of both factions.

This game may have the absolute worst story that I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch/read.

No Gnomes!

No, you will follow your zealot with no other choice and you will do his bidding and hate it just like we Horde had to do all through BFA following genocidal Sylvanas.

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I wouldn’t doubt that will come.I just wonder if we’ll be able to cut it off at the pass before then.

If Turalyon becomes king – Why not stay?
Become a spy for the future revolution of the Alliance! :partying_face:

– Just don’t get drunk & start a celebratory bonfire, you’ll have to make a deal with N’Zoth for a scape goat which could blast a vision to everyone of your warchief doing it - accidentally start a whole war, and {Sees your a Nightelf} Oh my look at the time! :v:

PS: When Malfurion gets drunk off Moonshine, keep him AWAY from matches.

We tried helping you guys out by sharing our home back in Cata. You then killed us in our sleep cause you didn’t wanna share. Fool me once,

If we can stand having Garrosh and Sylvanas you can live with the Buzz fortheLightyear.


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I am really hoping that they are just waiting to see how 9.2.5 works out with cross faction before they announce anything else. I would love to be able to choose my faction for any race or leave the one I no longer support.

In my opinion cross faction in 9.2.5 is I hope a steppingstone to a much greater system they have yet to announce for 10.0. While I am happy with what was announced I feel like they didn’t tell us everything yet.

It would be kind of cool to have the race faction barrier gone and to just play with the group we want no matter what our race choice is.

Get rid of it for everyone, when they bring it back, bring it back in warmode only.

Use the Dalaran style teleports to keep others out of cities if you don’t want racial vacations like every other MMORPG does.

That’d be awesome! :grin:

I mean, he’s already there. So it makes sense. Genn didn’t want it. The noble families like Turalyon. So he’ll probably keep it.

He’s an absolute zealot who was totally cool with his wife being locked up by a Naaru.

Didn’t know about that… you have my axe.


Come join the Horde, we have a council!

Rofl Horde council is a joke.

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Vote Turalyon, he’s gonna bring back the Alliance Purge Squads!

I think an MMO that uses FF Tactics combat for turn based fight handled the ‘two primary’ faction thing best.

They had 3 total factions, The Bontarians who were the ‘good’ guys and had an angelic motif. The Brakmarians who were ‘evil’ and had a devil motif, and the Mercenary which had a ‘home made’ motif. Each one gets wings to border their names to show their faction (Angel for Bonta, Devil for Brakmar, and then Wood and canvas for Mercenary), but, you could skip joining a faction ENTIRELY and just stay neutral as factions ONLY affected the PVP aspect of things and every player started in the same main city of Astrub (which was also the ‘f2p’ area to boot)

The option to leave the alliance is only a couple clicks away. Select Horde race and class. Boom. Done.

Amazing right!?!

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That’s the problem. There will always be defectors and expats with any faction, and there are so many neutral factions with the ‘horde and alliance races’ working together and just not dealing with the Horde vs Alliance bs that players really should get the option as well (orderhalls from Legion show cased this as a primary thing for the expansion ffs!)

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