If the alliance invaded again

You mean the Horde that basically gets to sack, murder, and pillage with no real consequences?

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There are consequences. All our leaders are dead while the alliance is thriving harder then ever before.

Have you tried, not poking the Alliance beehive that basically let’s the Horde exist at this point even AFTER the Horde as a whole has caused 4 wars and one civil war?

I mean sure, our leaders aren’t dead, but your Horde council is just basically what the Alliance has put up with.


No. I will never stop until the alliance is fully destroyed and get the same story the Horde got since MoP was over.

Real consequences would have been the horde wiped from existence after starting yet another war.

Garrosh was going off the deep end and corrupted by the sha while alienating his own people and almost tore the Horde apart, the same Horde he swore to protect.

Caine was murdered by Garrosh in mak’gora because Magatha rigged the fight by poisoning Garroshs weapon.

Sylvanas, apparently, has been working to genocide all of reality for reasons.

Gallywix would have sold his people to the Alliance if he thought he could get a good deal out of it, same with betraying the Horse.

Vol’jin was the only Horde leader that got a raw deal.

Those are your “real leaders” that you lost. The Horde still stands because the Alliance allows it after startinf how many conflicts? All of them? Do you forget that the invasion of the undercity in the 5th war was a direct response to the burning of teldrassil? Or are you so addled from sniffing glue your brain blocks out all logical thought for “muh horde”.


How funny would it be if they actually gave SW the Horde treatment? “Hey should we just stay passive again as Horde starts another war?” Velen: “Nah, fire up the Vindicaar, we gonna make a new crater in Durotar today.”

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It doesn’t matter who killed them. They are dead and the alliance is still fully intact. The bias needs to stop and that can only happen when Blizzard is not being able to give them mor stories with killing all night elves and humans for good.

Which is still nothing else but alliance bias. Blizzard hates the Horde and Bfa prooves it.

I don’t care for civillians. let them all die. What matters is armies and named lore characters only.

That has nothing to do with what I just said, if Velen decided to Stargate Orgrimmar, more than just “civilians” are gonna be dead…

Only civillians died when Teldrassil burned. The army and leaders were all doing fine. You lost nothing. Wanna look at real loss? Ask the trolls, blood elves and orcs what happens when Blizzard decides to remove you fully.

Theramore? Ring any bells?

Orcs are the Horde equivalent of Humans, what are you smoking? Blood Elves are like… 90% of the Horde in-game.

The Horde killed hundreds of thousands with Teldrassil while the only thing the Horde lost with Undercity was a sewer.

Seems like the Horde handily won that one, but keep living in your little fantasy world.


I bet you, he watches YouTube with Light mode on.


Tens of thousands at best. That was pure shock value. It only took them a single patch to get their land back and use the Sentinel army to destroy the last army the Horde had. Now the Horde is doomed because alliance baised writers like Golden and Danuser decided to make pease with the enemy that is responsible for all our losses.

The faction war is dumb and ALWAYS put aside for the greater good of Azeroth. They can’t ever have one side definitively win over the other.

There is nothing wrong with tentative peace. Some skirmishes here and there are fine, but a full blown war isn’t gonna happen again. They couldn’t even do it in a semi believable way the last time. It’s beyond time to move on.

The War in Warcraft may have started as Orcs vs Humans, but it evolved into the races of Azeroth vs cosmic forces of destruction.

You know if it wasnt for the Horde making peace with the Alliance you would be rocking a blue background right now, right? The Alliance could have, and would have been well within their right to, wiped the Horde off the face of Azeroth many times now.

If you quit, which honestly I doubt, and you are giving the game and story that you hate so much your time and your money then you really are just a sad man.


Peace is weakness. Only the strong can survive. Once the council is gone we will finish the war and give the Horde what we deserved. No more compromise. No more friendship. No more bargains with people who took everything from us. The blue team must pay in blood.

He’s screaming for war, I say let him have it. I’d love another Horde VS Alliance themed expansion…

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And good looking with a very big…hammer.

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Tbh we do outnumber, out gun, and technically out power the horde so not wrong…

Cause we got a space ship, we got op leaders to the point that they are making malfurion seem weak in alot of things or constantly sleeping.

Or more focused on peace then finishing a fight.
Best we got for war hungry guy is turalyon, and probably a incursion of time travel from yrel.

Tho would not mind fighting that alternate timeline draenei army.


You literally admit that Blizzard favored the alliance ever since.