But it was explained in that they would train other High Elves in the art of the void so yea there?
Actually I think all of the Void Elves are technically Blood Elves that got kicked out of Quel’thalas. None of them actually remained High Elves at any point. They renamed themselves Sin’dorei and became Velfs after. I don’t know about training Helfs, haven’t played the scenario just yet so I haven’t read all the dialogue. Not all that interested in rolling a Velf to be honest.
To be perfectly real though as a Blood Elf I would totally hide the welcome mat the moment I noticed Humans walking into my lands they destroy everything they touch.
Such a mess over blue contacts and human potential.
Alliance gets mad about the re-skins but the Helfers go and ask for the lamest of them all.
There are some Helf/Belf NPC’s at Telegorus studying the void but they are not Velves themself. The way the Velves were created was being attacked by a Void creature who attempted to turn them into the same as Etherals, but the PC and Alleria stop him before he can. But it changes them enough for them to become what we now know as Velves.
Actually I think all of the Void Elves are technically Blood Elves that got kicked out of Quel’thalas. None of them actually remained High Elves at any point. They renamed themselves Sin’dorei and became Velfs after. I don’t know about training Helfs, haven’t played the scenario just yet so I haven’t read all the dialogue. Not all that interested in rolling a Velf to be honest.
The Void Elves were Blood Elves. Blood Elves are High Elves who changed their name to Sin’dorei to honor their fallen after Quel’thalas was attacked by Arthas. Technically they are all High Elves, just different names. Although the Velves are physically changed enough that they could be called former High Elves as they changed biologically, but Sin’dorei did not, the change is merely a name change.
Blue eyed High Elves lol.
Ironically, you’re on the Horde because of Humans. Dead ones, but Humans, nonetheless.
Actually, it’s even better: you’re a Death Knight. You are on the Horde because of the recommendation of a Male Human Paladin, lol.
That would be true if the name of the race was “High Elf”. But it’s not. High Elf, just like Blood Elf, is just a name. A name that Blizzard has specifically stated that Blood Elves do not consider themselves to be.
That is totally different he gets a pass, the rest all stink.
The purge wasn’t the result of some Blood elf stereotype, it was because they belonged to the Horde that made Jaina blame them. Which is why she says “Once Horde, always Horde” to Varian at the end. You’re trying awfully hard to twist that event into something it wasn’t.
No it was because she believed the Sunreavers actively assisted Garrosh as a group, not because they were the closest ones she could get her hands on. Attack Quel’thalas? While also voicing the desire for them to join her? Not likely.
You assuming that she despises them is not evidence that she despises them, especially when the example I’m giving counters that very thought. You seem to have missed a step in this debat, either that or you think that you subjective opinion is somehow fact.
If anything this example proves that she does care about the Blood elves, and that she’d rather see them fighting along side her, than as an enemy.
Because both the Horde and Alliance live in this “common home” while the High elves have absolutely no reason to fight for Quel’thalas if they supposedly don’t care for it. They did it it because they still see Quel’thalas as their homeland, and are willing to give up their lives to defend it even now. This is not the behavior of someone who “hates” Quel’thalas and it’s people.
Your entire argument is contrived and self-defeating.
All Thalassian elves are High Elves, some just identify as Quel’dorei and don’t honor their fallen and live with humans. The others identify as Sin’dorei and do honor their fallen and do not live with humans. But in the end all Thalassian elves are the race of Quel’dorei aka High Elves. Its all a name and politics that are different, not the race.
Look here is the deal I was a Blood Elf doing Blood elf things preaching the light as a Paladin, then here came this Human guy wearing over sized armor just screwing up everything in my home town.
I barely had time to get out of the shower when he stabbed me with his pointy stick then raised me as a death knight so yea Humans they destroy everything that they touch, I mean go to silvermoon there is a dead scar caused by an icky human!
Azeroth. We’re her only native species!
Not sure how I can twist mass murder of innocents based on the ethnic group they belong to as anything other than what it is.
Yes, she murdered a bunch of innocent people because she was mad. Her calls for Thalassians to help her kill their kin doesn’t make her any less of a bigoted murderer. Going to Africa and ethnically cleansing black people while trying to recruit some of them to join you doesn’t absolve you of what you’re doing.
So how exactly do you explain her insane mass murder rampage against elves that didn’t actually do anything? She had hurt feelings and the only thing that could make her feel better was indiscriminately killing anything in red?
They weren’t willing to defend it from the Scourge, and just because they hold some sentimental attachment to Quel’thalas and Silvermoon Forest as their homeland doesn’t make it their home. The Silver Covenant’s home is Dalaran, not Quel’thalas.
Whatever helps you retain your existing opinion.
Not to nitpick but you were a Quel’dorei when it happened. When that pesky human came that was the races name, when he left and that worthless prince finally came home from chasing a blonde bimbo around Dalaran because her boyfriend (that same pesky human) attacked Quel’thalas he then named everyone Blood Elves. But yeah, you got the name Blood Elf retroactively anyway.
*disclaimer, that was written tongue in cheek don’t start clutching your pearls yet.
If it were only the Bell that were stolen Jaina would not have gone on her murderous rampage, nor would Vereesa be okay with what was happening. Both of them had experienced great losses that contributed to the events during the purge. And Vereesa never actually tells you to kill anyone, it’s the blood elves who refuse to be taken in peacefully and retaliate that force the player to kill them.
Because at this point they believed the Sunreavers had betrayed them, which cost the lives of many High elves in Theramore. While these individuals Silver Covenant members are described as especially nasty, the rest can be seen peacefully subduing Sunreavers within the sewers.
Yes, which is not something you wish, or hope for, within a group you supposedly despise or think little of. It shows that Vereesa doesn’t just indiscriminately hate Blood elves, but wishes for them to join her on the Alliance.
Actually no they weren’t fully aware of what had happened, as the story they were given was from the Alliance. At this point the high elves at allerian stronghold were under the impression that all blood elves had thrown in their lot with Kael’thas and were no different than the blood elves they encountered at Firewing point.
They were no present when the original splintering occured, and were not given the appropriate opportunity to choose a side with all the facts at their disposal.
You know, except that the race itself left the Alliance during WCIII.
The few refugees who fled with Jaina and have no respect for their people isn’t a “race.”
Silver Moon was abandoned by the Alliance that is why they went Horde.
So…blue eyes option for Blood Elves?
Yes, yesss, yessss… Blizz pls read this and do it!
Yeah, except no.
"The early stages of the purge were left in the hands of Vereesa Windrunner, who instructed Alliance agents to pacify the Sunreavers in the sewers and eliminate the uprising inside the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary, to stop and kill a Magister attempting to withdraw assets from the bank and flee the city, to kill the shopkeepers who had refused to side with the Silver Covenant, and to either subdue or kill the dragonhawks in Krasus’ Landing, thus disallowing the Sunreavers a method of escape from the city. When the deeds are done, the Silver Covenant is mobilized to join in the purge, and Jaina calls in Alliance forces waiting at the Antonidas Memorial to battle the Sunreavers as well.
After imprisoning Aethas within the Violet Citadel, Jaina and her water elementals took to patrolling the city streets, teleporting some Sunreaver citizens to the Violet Hold and attacking others - both with those that attempted to fight her and some civilians attempting to flee.
Grand Magister Rommath soon led a strike team into Dalaran to evacuate the remaining Sunreavers. Beginning with the sewers — the farthest tunnels of which had, as of then, been unaffected by the purge — Rommath and Horde agents warn the Sunreaver civilians of their impending arrest and order them to flee the city. Here, Silver Covenant agents had taken to holding several Sunreaver civilians captive, while others were attacking unarmed Sunreavers without explaining anything to them. After thinning the Silver Covenant’s ranks, Rommath left the sewers and entered Dalaran proper, temporarily taking over the center of the city as a makeshift base to strike against Jaina’s forces, as the Sunreaver resistance group holding it continued their search for Aethas."
That’s all canon.
And the quel’dorei, including the Sunreavers, lived in Dalaran for thousands of years at that point. Who was Jaina to suddenly say that all the Sunreavers who’d been living there longer than she’d been alive should be just ejected en masse? She’s one person. Why would the other quel’dorei follow her orders? Because Vereesa’s husband was killed at Theramore? Bummer for her.
The high elves who followed Jaina not only don’t honor their people, they’re literally willing to murder their own race on Jaina’s tantrum. Gross.