If the Alliance can't get High Elves, Then Give the Option to the Horde

Are Sin’dorei and Ren’dorei the same?

except they don’t, until about 2-4 decades ago (the timeline in WoW is blurry af, but we know jaina isn’t dead yet)
they were operating from the same city, with the same belief structures

their culture is the same even now, their polticial differences exist sure…but there are political differences within the kaldorei aswell, infact political differences is the norm

as for geographical…not really, they all live in more or less the same areas they did when they were united

again…thousands of years, their culture is vastly different
their political leanings are entirely different
their home structures…are entirely different
many of the “high elves” we see that don’t go by the sin’dorei name all live in the same areas they were stationed or working before the fall of quel’thalas in what amounts to less than a most people’s childhood from the current period

was a dumb addition, but again…spent thousands of years in the same situation of being seperate
they have some crossover beliefs but on the whole aren’t just copy pastes of the tauren

there was actual logic behind them being a different group
just like with each of the clans of trolls and dwarves, the different nations of humans etc
they’ve been separate long enough to develop into something other than just the standard option

that’s not the case for the high elves, few children have been born and an extremely short period has passed for a long lived and stubborn to change race

I’m done conversing with you until you come out from behind your forum alt.

Give the alliance their high elves, and give the horde our Ogres(long, long overdue)


they’re the same race yes.
and practically no one has tried to make the claim they’re a different race

but they have more differences than the Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei at any rate
y’know one being increasingly consumed by evil itself and corrupting and altering their physical forms

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would you like to go tell a shiite they’re not muslim? or maybe a sunni?
how well do you think either of those would go?

you’re claiming that Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei are seperate RACES after all
and are using a freaking religion to back it
so i dare you, go into a country dominated by one or the other and claim they’re not muslims.
whichever you like

Technically, they are. Though there is a huge key difference between the groups, and not talking about political?

namely that the void is physically combined with the void elf body…and is corrupting and altering it further
they’re only barely the same race at this point and as time progresses that will change

Wait just play a BE DK. Blue eyes, sin-dorei. Close enough!

I don’t think it makes any sense at all for alliance to get high elves. It makes a great deal of sense to give everyone the option to customize eye colour though, limit the options for each race, and give belves blue eyes for high elf aesthetic. They are the only “high elves” left.


Funny thing is…Ive seen the opposite. Pros using head cannon an fan fic to shout down anyone that disproves them all while playing the poor attacked victim or claiming they ‘debunked’ things. If there were a drinking game for everytime debunked is used by a pro the players would be dead of alcohol poisoning.


FWIW, Elisande seemed to see a difference.


The difference being green vs blue eyes is pretty much it. Just add a blue eyed cosmetic option to blood elves and there you go. If they can do it for gold eyes, they can do it for blue.


You can read what Murgatroyd wrote about the elf history, he pretty much nailed it.

Also, the remaining “high elves” on the Alliance side are just the ones who went with Jaina to Kalimdor. The ones who actually gave a crap about their people are the Sin’dorei.


Yes, this please. I would love to see the blue-eyed and even white-eyed options on the Sin’dorei and to see Silvermoon rebuilt. Lordy, it’s been quite some time since the Sunwell was fixed, can we conjure a hammer and fix that wall??


yeah this. the rest followed kaelthas and became blood elves.

guys i really think some of you should play warcraft 3 reforged, just for campaign if anything. it really clears a lot of stuff out and the story is a fun one :slight_smile:


Funnily enough this is exactly what Ion suggested himself, that if what players want is it play a fair-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed elf, they should play a blood elf.


Yup, and she had NO problem with it until Sylvanas said that the Undercity is no place for children so she should leave her twins with someone else. The only issue she had was her kids, she was totally willing to join up and co-lead the Forsaken. Which she could not possibly do without joining the Horde.

No thanks, expressing any opinion other than “mweeeee high elfs alliance!!!” just gets you called names and ignored. We’re fine here. Y’all invade the blue-eyes thread all the time.

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Why not? Factions are at peace now. Would you rather live with the rest of your people (of which all factions and flavors are few) in your homeland?

I mean, they could come back, apologize for following humans over the sea instead of staying to help, and for not honoring the sacrifice of their people… share some wine, enjoy the Sunwell… it’d be great!

No, it’s the fact that biologically they’re the same with absolutely no change, so their race already exists on the faction where you don’t want to play them. Because they already left the Alliance, except for a remnant that followed Jaina to Kalimdor.

The devs have canonized and confirmed over and over that they are the same race. The folks who have no idea of lore or history or any respect for the Sin’dorei are the ones who keep insisting that the “high elves” should be in the Alliance as a playable faction.


There are barely any left and they are loyal to jaina as individuals, not people. That’s what it means to give up on your people, you give up on the bloodline being continued. There’s not enough high elves with jaina to continue a pure high elf bloodline. Not in this lifetime.