Sounds like we need slutty plate armor for male characters too. I’m sure that will make some people happy
I just run around practically naked. If females can do it, why can’t I?
If Kul Tiran males had armorkini’s… I think it would deal damage to opponents
My eyes, my eyes!! Aghduygdaygs…
WoW has a disturbingly lacking amount of skimpy male armor. This needs an immediate change.
The males are just as tough as the females. It’s just that, since Blizzard is a California-based company, males are hit with the Toxic Masculinity debuff which weakens us.
So…the more naked I become…The more powerful I’ll be…
I must be nearing godhood then.
cause men like to look badass, not sexy.
Misogynists in shambles.
Thats just stormwind, have you seen what male night elves wear for battle?
This was in BFA too:
Well,if you’re in love why would you ask? uhmm.
Because its hard for the man to chase her with a bulge in his plate.
We rely on magic stats more than actual armor in this game. But why to they allow warrior gnomes, goblins and Vulpera? That makes no sense.
well. actually… this has been tested and women were much much more sensitive to pain.
Warrior is just the base class almost anyone can do with little training, I.E. if they have guards for their caravans or cities, they have warriors.
Well, I’ve actually read really convincing arguments on both sides. The world can’t seem to agree who can handle pain more.
the one i saw actually did a test. ice cold water they timed how long they could keep their hand in it, women were less than men by quite a bit.
well i stubbed my toe in the garden and i only cried for 20 minutes
One of the studies I read actually tested quite the opposite. The researchers placed hot items on their forearms and were able to determine that the women handled the pain better.
So again. It seems pretty unclear, and has too much overlap.
Gaahr, you deserve so much better than that.