If it hasn't been said already

Not in the definitive terms for clarity. Also…

These are the people that represent your faction.

Yes, almost word for word as your OP

I represent only myself. :man_shrugging:

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Not what I would call a good effort. Your first post in here was trolling.

Posting a fact is trolling?
You literally play on a PVE server, yet take an unhealthy amount of time on the forum pot stirring those who play on PVP servers.

Absolutely true. All of it.

Id say a good fifth of my posts related to how the Horde were shooting themselves in the foot by being nasty to players frustrated with density, and the open world imbalance.

We lost good people, and players out of that who specifically cited ‘toxic community’ on the way out, referring to the “just reroll”“pvp happened” crowd as their primary reason.

The horde asked alliance to “git gud” and “form raid groups”

Looks like they are incapable of organizing just premades, themselves after their population advantage was ripped from them.

Im bored of any and all useless AV whines. They again, are pushing people away (to a much lesser extent) with their overall hypocrisy.

And suddenly classic feels a lot more like retail as server communities disbanded or transferred, with crz BGs in the waiting area :sunglasses:

Turns out retail, the game everyone loves to hate, was classic, at one point…

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This thread is trolling. You made a thread to say the same thing many other threads say.


So how should we treat 80% of forum topics related to AV, especially the ones started by a character with 1 post?

Anybody who flags this as trolling is just sour goblin berries :tropical_drink:

I wouldnt really say they have to work harder.

Horde are getting to the point where you have to wPvP between queues to keep up honor totals. It’s really not stopping for anyone at this point.

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How do you know? Only part of trolling that might suit the claim is it upsets people. Truth can be upsetting too.

If it’s trolling, report it. I’ll appeal it and ensure that I was following the CoC and look to have those falsely reporting it as such held to the same standard they attempted to use to have the thread removed.

I personally don’t mind the queue, I can dominate your faction in between them all I want.

Sure hope no one had any BRD runs planned, lol.

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I’m not a report happy person.

The OP is still bh with P2 ganks and is still being stomped in AV.

The only win is over the trolls complaining on forums about alliance Premades.

This is the kind of ignorance I am referring to. You claim we’re the only side having issues, yet you’re in various threads in chats about your side having issues.


Who has said this?


And you call me a troll?

I called this thread a troll.

not with premades.
Our issues are:
people that are obviously for the fun and goes to gank people in field of strife, those that cap SHGY and Snowfall and people fishing. And of course, AFKers.

Premade on alliance was never a problem. We were used to it.

Everyone has some sort of issue and not every issue applies to everyone else.

The thing is right now most of the pushback on either side is the fact it’s the other side saying.

We could all easily assess issues and how to best handle them, but the P2 debacle left plenty angry. Me included no doubt with the amount of trolling that went on by the horde as a result of it.

Could people call off the blatant disregard for the opposite side? Maybe.

Are we going to? Not likely.

Or we could just keep playing and having fun, ignore trolls and laugh at jokes.
I mean, why would you stop doing premades because someone is qqing over the forums? Nah.