If I had a dollar!

I figured as much. It was more wishful thinking on something that won’t actually happen. :sweat_smile:

Weekly loot RNG rage.

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Definitely people crying about Raider io.

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Lack of NElf redemption arc

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You can only choose one.

uh, uhhhh, um, I… I, uh… Flight.

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High Elf threads, whether Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei, or Quel’dorei.

Vulpera Love/Hate threads.

Pathfinder hands down.

Great supplemental income.



I don’t know if this would get the MOST cash but it would make you a fair bit of money:


These are the worst people.

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High elf posts…

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I’ll take a dollar for every post mentioning any sort of balance.

Too bad you won’t ever get that dollar!

I agree.

Nerf Demon Hunters.

Once that happens and the posts dry up, I’ll take Pathfinder threads for 100, Alex.

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Closely followed by “non damage dealers dealing damage”.

High Elves, no contest :wink:

See? So according to your criteria it would be EVERY SINGLE POST, in those threads. ALL of those posts, would be a dollar.

I will give just ONE example, of just ONE such thread:

Thank you, now give me my $5820!

Complaining about PvP happening in Warmode, refuses to leave Warmode.


Blue Eyes for blood elves or

Ban Multiboxing


rate that transmog.

Blood/High Elves.

Elf master race.

Flying is the correct answer.

Flying would be a constant stream of income with the most guaranteed longevity. No matter what blizzard does, somebody will be upset with how its handled, so threads will be made, and those threads tend to get a TON of posts.

Close second goes to High elves however that pool could dry up if they get added.

Pathfinder probably lmao