If guardian doesn't get nerfs can we just

All roll guardian druids and just have bear fights? LIke every single arena just bears and only bears. Bears at blizzcon. Bears on the moon.

PSA: Prot Paladins still make Guardian Druids self destruct in a furry ball of light

Holy Shield and Brambles still causing an infinite loop? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I just saw a prot pally do 1.5 mil healing in a 1 min game :^)

Yes but now with Sleeper compounding it :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Havoc and Fury healing isn’t far off.

That’s fine, Blizzard formalized Prot Paladin as a healer kekw

when we needed them most they stepped in to protect us from the furry agenda