I’d quit, since obviously the team had run out of ideas and wasn’t interested in making a good game any more.
Say it louder for the people at the back. The Horde is a joke atp. I miss them days when we didn’t take from nobody lol. They seem so far ago now
Never play Horde again
but aimee is awesome.
Or maybe we could kill Thrall, that works for me
I would probably go out and make my first ever forsaken orc. Because if he is back as the leader of the horde, he may be an orc, but he’s completely dead too. So now I kind of want to see that race.
dude could have changed! don’t judge him just yet!
okay well its garrosh he probably didn’t and is insulted i even suggested.
I would find a way to lobotomize him. Because I cannot stand how he was. Either that or I would stop playing all my horde characters. Again, because I cannot stand how he was.
Actually, he disintegrated himself.
Nah that is just what resurrecting looks like when your in the shadowland.
Supposedly Garrosh is an excellent warchief in other timelines.
I’d roll a Mag’har and put on my garrosh mog and dual wield gorehowls for funsies
they are now renamed mailboxhowls.