If DF Season 2 is the new template, raid difficulties need changes

I had this thought the other day and was thinking of making a topic on the matter, so thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Let me add my own context first. I run a mid-tier mythic raiding guild. We aim to clear AOTC relatively quickly (typically week 5-6 in previous tiers, also working on H Sarkareth now), and then clear approx 50% of mythic.

Mythic does have it’s own issues, including lockouts, and static group sizes.

So this was my train of thought. Keep the tuning SIMILAR to this tier.

Step 1) Remove LFR (Stay with me, don’t freak out solo-players)
Step 2) Enable solo-queueing for Normal Difficulty.
Step 3) Unlock Mythic lockouts (be able to kill mythic bosses with multiple groups in a week).
Optional Step 4) Remove static 20-man requirement from mythic
Step 5) Implement Hardcore Difficulty.

Hardcore Difficulty details:

  • Static group size. Doesn’t have to be 20, but consistent for all groups.
  • No increase in loot ilvl (can either drop same as mythic or no loot at all)
  • Only really for groups really wanting to test themselves against the hardest possible content.
  • No “Pushover mythic bosses” (This tier has 4 of them.)
  • No class raid buffs (it’s called hardcore for a reason) eliminating “mandatory raid spots”
  • Released 2-3 weeks after N/H/M (Becomes the RWF?) To allow for proper tuning based on CURRENT numbers from players in all difficulties and doesn’t allow people to skip the “regular difficulties” and adds a new challenge for top players/guilds to engage with.

I’m probably forgetting something important in this idea, so let me know what you think, but I think the tuning of this patch is honestly a step in the right direction… IF some (or all) of these types of changes are added.