If Denathrius ever gets free, will came very angry

With the Jailer.

Denathrius has a Huge Ego, he won’t accept being made “just a pawn” or “deceived” about some “greater good” for the Jailer.

If he ever gets free, he’ll side against Jailer or even help us, something like Azshara did against N’zoth.

Could he become some sort of a “Anti-hero” character, something like Illidan? I Kinda can see that.

I don’t see it. We already have a full roster of characters from that zone, with Kael’thas filling the “used to be a villain” niche.

If they bring him back it will be for the Dreadlords lore dump, when they reveal that his grand plans are even bigger and more terrible than the Jailor’s.


I disagree. His ego is such that I think he’d just storm right up to the Jailer to confront him and get struck down.

The thing is, we don’t actually know why Denathrius is so invested in the Jailer, so we don’t know just how ideological his involvement was. It may well be that Denathrius already believed if he somehow fell, “the plan” was bigger than even the Jailer’s schemes and thus important enough that it would and should continue without him.

Depending upon where things go, Denathrius could very well turn out to have been less invested in Zovaal’s actual agenda than he was in helping to cause the cosmic-level upheaval that would result from the Jailer’s success. For someone who’s literally eons old, a few millennia stuck in a sword might be a small price for helping to get that ball rolling.


I think Denathrius’s plot is pretty much done now, at least for Shadowlands.


The fact that the “Enemy Infiltration” book seems to imply Denathrius’ plans were set in motion millennia ago—see: the part about presenting the Titans with an opposing force to fracture the Pantheon (using the Void/Demons to corrupt Sargeras)—is a pretty good indication that Denathrius’ work on that front is done, at least for now.

Even with the Legion having been defeated, there’s still Lothraxion in the Army of the Light, along with the Void and Nature/Life operatives. Not to mention that not necessarily all of the “Fel” Nathrezim were killed off back in Legion, either.

A guy who played as long a game as that can definitely afford to bide his time within a magical floating blade until the time is right.

i see this as framing a possibly scenario where “anyone can be redeemed”.

Im getting mixed messages since we know the arbiter sends certain people to the maw instead of revendreth so there is definitively a critera for “complete monster” however denathrius gets a free pass on that? they can easly say “oh well if denathrius can be redeemed then so can X”.

I would have liked some flashbacks of Denathrius before he became evil and sold out the Shadowlands. The actual cause of the Venthyr is a noble one. Seeing him in his prime doing his job would have been nice. We’re kinda just thrust to the end of his story when he’s 100% evil and corrupted and trying to corrupt everyone around him.

The fact that Renathal mentions him as being corrupted by the consumption of Sins indicates that whatever corrupted him corrupted him after the Venthyr already existed… Since the Primus mentions the Jailer having Ancient Allies that means the Jailer and Denathrius both fell after Revendreth and the Venthyr were created.

He was a gambler that put all his money on every cosmic force and did a huge one in the Jailer which backfired. Now if Blizzard pulls he was at the service of someone else worst and helping the Jailer was only to weaken even more the Shadowlands, then that would be a huge twist which I doubt Blizzard will go

Well, Denathrius was the, for lack of a better word, “Titan” of Revendreth to begin with. Much like with the Winter Queen of Ardenweald, there’s the very real implication that each of the Shadowland realms’ are existentially tied to their rulers, and vice versa.

Thus, when you hear Denathrius screaming, “I am Revendreth,” he’s not necessarily exaggerating.

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