If demonology

This is probably laziness on my part…hell, I know it is…I hated meta. Not having the benefits of course, but having to hit another button and then looking like a demon with shaggy pants.

Back then I played Destruction.

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Really Meta would not fix our current problems with the spec. Demo currently does not fit in with the current game design. We are the worse performing spec in most aspects of the game and the only thing we have going for us is how strong tyrant is with borrowed power from BFA.

I think demo lock in SL needs to be brought up to date with the rest of the specs in the game similar to what was done for shadow priest. We have spells that haven’t been updated for years. Shadow Bolt is a joke and has a very long cast time. Demonbolt is laughable.

I think if they bring demo abilities and talent tree up to date, and stop joking around with minion summon time this whole 6 sec business, demo will be competitive.


I agree with you on many points I know I myself put out an idea where our talents were more based on changing out summoned demons and was based around giving us ST, Utility, and AOE variants which I think would help our the spec.

As far as the 6 second summons go I think it needs to be reverted at the very least for Demo as its the only spec that is based around calling forth demons and if they are worried about getting “Fel Domination” it still makes our summons instant cast so there wouldnt really be an issue.

Hell I also think it should be reverted for BM hunters because that is their entire thing. I feel like the specs that are based around PETS as a whole should not suffer the same way as their counter parts do that do not focus solely on pets. It Doesnt make any sense for a class to suffer as a whole despite a spec that is supposed to be a master around one aspect but suddenly being just as bad in that aspect as another spec that hardly focuses on it.

Yeah not to mention meta kind of lost its cool after the introduction of the DH class. Granted I was never a fan of it but still it wouldn’t do it for me now.

I just feel like disposable demons is a really cool concept. If I was in charge of the spec I’d speed the spell casting (all with instant or very short cast timers), add a few more timers to juggle (i.e. moar demons), a tag spell for questing, and I’d reduce the impact of the cooldowns to ensure the spec is a smooth/consistent damage dealer.

Also I would make the spell effects all similar in look/feel (like red-themed gateways and effect highlighting).

Not on board with meta coming back either. As a warlock i want to control and master demons, not sink to their level and become one. Leave that mess to the emo elves.


This is another big problem. Demonology was made into a turret spec that summons demons that basically do weak damage, take too long to cast anything and which are more like weak damage over time spells, the things don’t even function like demons, and the only purpose for all this casting of weak spells is to buff tyrant that’s it, that’s the majority of our spec. A cooldown that also requires casting. Since nether portal or the other last talent don’t compete at the moment.

Granted I never much liked the idea of metamorphosis, liked more the demonic summoner, but the biggest thing i did like was that gameplay mechanics of the spec back then allowed you to control your damage, you had instants that when played right where big nukes, you had doom, soul fire, chaos wave, spell interrupt baseline, you had mobility, you summoned imps on corruption ticks while corruption being instant, your damage can go from sustain to burst all within a few seconds, you had an instant imp summoning, it wasn’t depended on this atrocity of rogue combo point that we are on now, what’s worst is when we build max combo points (3 soul shards).

Hell the demons we had looked better, felguard and wrathguard both lost their weapon sizes. Demonbolt looked like an actual demonbolt.

A spec with this much casting and setup should be hitting hard with our shards spenders. A 3 soul shard hand of guldan should be hitting hard or summoning a demon that hits hard, not this damn weak imp damage over time garbage we got going on.

This spec should be able to function w.o add ons from legendaries or expansion powers.


I agree I have always enjoyed being a summoner type class which is one the reason i got kinda sad when it feels like Unholy DK gives off that feel a bit better when it summons it’s army to fight along side them. I also created my own idea on a rework for Demo that also has a Meta for those that want to have that kind of a playstyle. I personally thing that talents should affect our playstyle over just our DPS. One of the big reasons I have refused to run the imp sac build.

Honestly I love current demo but hate tyrant I feel like tyrant should just be metamorphosis. I feel like that would make it the most fun spec in game tbh. Also don’t think having meta would harm dhs because they just keep the old meta animation because it’s a separate entity than dhs entirely it’s the whole demon within thing like illidan on mythic night hold instead of half elf half demon creature. Plus it basicly makes us a demon worth fearing for our army of pets to follow.

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So this is my idea of a rework for Demonology I posted a while back. Also with seeing a lot of the ideas for demon stables from the forums I think it would further the rework idea I have put together.

Aside from a few spells becoming baseline for Demo like Demonic Strength and Soul Strike as they should be base abilities of our most powerful demon. Doom would be nice however with the rework I have in mind its not that needed unless it would be like Legion Doom. Now aside from mana being removed from our spec we would also lose Shadow Bolt as it would be replaced by Nether Bolt “upon casting Nether Bolt a portal from the nether opens shooting out a ball shadow dealing X shadow damage and pulling an imp from the neither to fight with you for 12 seconds. Also grants a soul shard.”

Row 1 (imps):

Bilescourge Bombers:
Your imps summoned from Nether Bolt are replaced with Bilescourge Bombers that will fire at your target for 10 seconds then dive-bomb your current target dealing AOE damage.

Eyes of Gul’dan:
Your imps summoned from Nether Bolt are replaced with The Eyes if Guldan that fire at your target for 12 seconds dealing increased damage while they attack the same target.

Your imps summoned from Nether Bolt are replaced with Wyrnmtongue that throw vials of acid at your target for 12 seconds which leave a pool of acid on the ground which deal continuous damage.

Row 2 (Dreadstalkers):

Wyrmtongue Riders:
When you cast Call Dreadstalkers; Wyrmtongue riders are summoned and attack your target with weapons stolen from the nether.

When you cast Call Dreadstalkers your dreadstalkers are replaced with Ur’zul that lung at your target causing the faces to scream Fearing the target for .5 seconds. Targets immune to Fear are silenced for .5 seconds

Void Terror:
When you cast Call Dreadstalkers your dreadstalkers are replaced with Void Terrors which shoot your targets in front of them with their eye beams until the reach their target in which they cleave your targets with both heads.

Keep Row 3 as is. Unless Demon Skin becomes baseline(pipe dream i know)

Row 4 (New Summon all 1.5 second cast with 45 second CD):

Summon VileFiend (same spell as current)

Summon Felbat:
Summon an Felbat to fight for you

Summon Inquisitor:
Summon an Inquisitor to fight for you

Keep Row 5 as is.

Row 6 (Additional pet all are guardians that are summoned when you summon your main pet regardless of pet. All demons can be killed which would require an additional summoning of your main demon):

Infernal partner:
When you call your Demon an Infernal joins them to fight with you dealing AOE damage.(this would similarly act like it did in legion)

Imp Mother Partner:
When you call your demon an Imp Mother joins them attacking and summoning imps to fight along side you.

Miniature Annihilan Partner:
When you call your demon a miniature Annihilan joins them empowering you and your demons as its presence though small still grants strength. (essentially this gives soul conduit and expendables while it remains alive.)

Row 7(Demonic Energy Spenders): (at level 50 gain Demonic energy when a demon expires as well as when you call forth demons from the Nether)

Demonic Ascension(Meta with a twist):
Demonic Ascension Grants you two possible forms which are selected before casting. The forms are Mo’arg(Transform into a Mo’arg that calls forth demonic cannons while firing buzzsaws at enemies) and Mo’rag Brute(Transform into a Mo’arg Brute charging into combat and attacking with heavy melee weapons.)

Tyrannical Soul Shard:
Once you reach max Demonic energy you can call forth a Soul Shard of Tyrannical energy. When you use a Tyrannical Soul shard to cast of Summon Demonic Tyrant it lasts twice as long and has its cooldown is reduced by half. It also gains access to Shadow Bolt Volley.

Nether Portal(same name but different): Once you have reached maximum Demonic Energy your next Nether Bolt opens a more stable portal to the Nether calling forth a demon from the nether for each demon you summon while it remains open.(Demons summoned through Nether Portal do not contribute to Demonic energy.)

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Blizz wont give this to demo; its making it too powerful

I wouldnt be to sure about that since everything can be tuned down or up. The only major things this rework gives is an extra pet that can die and would require a resummon, a replacement of shadow bolt that already hits like cardboard, a clear AOE, ST, Utility setup for talents, and the final row gives the community many of the things we have been asking for. Again all of which can be tuned down or up so I fail to see how this is “too powerful.”

Bump to hopefully get new eyes on this

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Ya idk literally every single problem that Demo has currently would be instantly solved if they just reverted it back to MoP/WoD. The spec worked perfectly fine in all forms of content. Current Demo is so poorly designed and has been since it was reworked. It’s completely unplayable in PvP, horrible in M+, and bad in any fight that requires any amount of movement. There’s no easy way to make the current playstyle work without revising so many abilities.
A revert would be so easy to do they wouldn’t have to think of anything new, and it would be guaranteed to work. The only reason they reworked it in the first place was because DHs have meta but like, Warlock and DH meta don’t look similar, or function similarly within the spec WHATSOEVER. It’s ridiculous. Just rename Metamorphosis for Demo to Demonic Transformation and Immolation Aura to Demonfire Flux and they could coexist perfectly.
I just hope Blizzard listens. No spec since has even come close to emulating the same playstyle as old Demo did. I just want my spec back. I’ve felt lost ever since. I hope they focus more on classes in general next expansion and do away with the borrowed power and external systems. Classes are WAY too integral to the game to just put on the backburner. They are arguably the most important thing in the game alongside main content. They need to focus more on the core game. Things are WAY harder to balance when you throw in a bunch of extra systems that modify damage and abilities. Also remember guys, we’re still on pruned Legion class design nearly 3 years after the expansion.


Forgive my inquiry, as I normally heal, but with regards to tagging mobs - do all specs not have curses they can use to tag? Doom, exhaustion, etc? Would pets attack a curse target?

Also, I quite like the concept design of demo warlocks. I’d like to see far more of them, but agree with the community that they could benefit from reduced cast times OR increased demon damage AND replacing eye tyrant with something more complimentary to the design.

Mm, and I’d also change it so the damage of summons is in the tooltip and demo locks don’t need to scour logs to figure it out. That’d be awesome too!


they don’t attack curse targets. they are essentially always on assist so they attack what you attack but it’s slow and cumbersome to do so. if your targetted critter dies they’ll take a good few seconds to wake back up and shift over to what you’re doing if you instant cast something immediate.

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I would like to replace shadow bolt with something that does not require a cast time. Because Demonology punishes way too much from other spells filled with cast times, I mean they gave us a useless corruption spell thats not even instant which means no one will use it even if they buff the damage. Everything in the developers eyes look good on paper to them, but they don’t take into consideration the amount of haste it requires to make this spec work. Back then it felt less clunky because so much that is required now wasn’t back then.

I feel like the developers just think changing numbers makes a huge difference but no matter how much damage they add the spec is too slow because of ramp up and any moving fights hinders your damage. The reason why mist of pandarea was so successful of warlocks was because the developers back then took everything into consideration. And they even saw demonology weakness which was mobility so they added kiljadens cunning. It allowed us to cast shadowbolt or demon bolt while moving so it didn’t hurt the damage. 5Keep in mind it was always interruptable.

I think we need those types of developers back in wow, Because the current ones don’t take the extra step and seems to be focused else where. Or atleast create a completely new and seperate team


Sub ends March 7th. I’ve given up.


Some things I’d like to see are:

  1. Shadowbolt’s cast time reduced to 1 second.
  2. Felhound instant cast with their first attack being a leap that allowed them to clear obstacles/holes between them and the mob they’re attacking.
  3. Vilefiend should be instant cast and its leap attack be a real leap attack (like a warriors leap attack) that does double damage. It should also be how they return to a mob when feared or knocked back.
  4. Felguard should be a 3 second cast with Fel Dominion replaced with a teleport for our Felguard with a 10 second cooldown.
  5. Demonic Tyrant should make our demons immune to fear for its duration.

I think these changes would return the Warlock to a ranged class and reaffirm that they are the masters of demons.

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All demo really needs is instant doggies, demonic tyrant to be instant cast and being able to cast its spell on the move or make them instant with a CD to replace the cast time and maybe hand of guldan to be instant, (still need to hardcast shadow bolt for shards) aside from that just number tuning imo

It’s clear when they did the demo rework they tried and tested the spec/rotation on a target dummy…

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We need a bit more than that but all major summons (above hand level) need to be instant I agree.

I would like to start with that as a first movement and use it to assess combat mobility and see if further alterations need to happen to really cute demos mobility woes.