If cloning was re-instated, who would you bring back?

I am done arguing with night elf priest 100% a troll.

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I kinda have to call out your bluff thereā€¦ Im sorry but 600 days /played time? And on Classic toon. too that was clone-able? And also that you didnt clone it, yet wish you did.

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I cloned my warrior, unfortunately I didnt have a extra 100$ burning a hole in my pocket to clone all my chars. Servers were dead and 15$ a pop was outrageous to say the least.

As someone who works in IT I know the cost of the cloning is couple cents tops. I already bought the game twice and paid subscription why do i have to pay extra to continue playing classic? 100$ is a lot of money.

Yes and I didnā€™t clone my other toons because I firmly believe that it is a service that should have been free. Its not like it cost them any money to move any of our toons from one expac to another. It should have been FREE. All I am saying. Both those who have very little money and those who are millionaires who play the game all state that the service should have been free.


I 100% agree with you. If it was free I would of copied everything right away, but as someone who plays wow and lives paycheck to paycheck 100$ is a lot of money.


Chris Farley


Can I preemptively use my clone to restore Jimmy Carter?

Letā€™s be honest here. From early January 2020 through at least summer 2021 you averaged 14+ hours per day of /played time.

You donā€™t live paycheck to paycheck fam.

You live welfare check to welfare check.