If Blizzard does squish levels to 60

Of course it’s arbitrary, which is why my suggestion would actually effect gameplay in a positive way.

This way the routes we run change. I would love to be able to actually level past Jade Forest or Shadowmoon once more.

So, it takes you, say, 50 hours to reach max level from level 1 right now. 120 levels.

After the “squish”, it takes you 50 hours to reach max level. 60 levels.

During the original 50 hours, you got handed all your talents.

During the “new” 50 hours, you got handed all your talents.

There is, literally, no change in gameplay at all. You are not being handed talents quicker under some new “level squish.” Do you get this?

Do you really think there is an “extra hour of daylight” when we switch our clocks around twice a year like a bunch of fools? No, of course not (I hope). Time is arbitrary, and I’m sure you know that the only factor in the amount of daylight we have is our position in orbit around the sun and the tilt of the Earth. Not what time at which we set our clocks.

Same concept. It’s a trick in perception for people that don’t know any better.

If you are hyped for some level 60 (halfway) talent now, then after the squish you will be hyped for some level 30 (halfway) talent. Either way, by my example, it took 25 hours to get there.

You’re talking about a “percieved faster progression” because of the arbitrarily lower number I talked about in my original post. And I stand behind what I said about people who believe that number is anything but arbitrary.

You are not leveling in half the time, thereby receiving talents twice as fast. You are leveling at the same rate, but some arbitrary numbers have been cut in half. You won’t be getting talents “quicker” at all, in real time. You will get them “quicker” by the new arbitrary number system, which isn’t quicker at all. In any way.


Would you rather 120+ talents/abilities per spec? Because that sounds miserable from a balance and player perspective.

it wont be 60 imo my money is on them level squishing to 50 then let us level to 60.if they level squish to 60 then you would level to 70.

level squish to 50 then level to 60 then work on an alternate advancement system.

I think the argument here is that each level will feel more meaningful when leveling. Amount of time doesn’t factor into it for this argument only the impact of each level. Basically do you feel rewarded when you ding! that next level.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you. The squish is all about arbitrary numbers. And even if some people feel better when they reach a new level, each level will take twice as long as you pointed out. And with mob scaling that will feel even more grindy. Add to that the fact that you might level through a whole zone, lets say Duskwood, and potentially not level a single time if you just leveled in Redridge right before changing zones. I wonder how impactful and rewarding the leveling will feel when it feels like it takes forever and fatigue sets in.

Yes I would like to see more talents, specially New ones. It doesn’t have to be 120 new talents. I would be happy with 3 choices every ten levels, or 3 New ones everytime a new expansion go Live. It would not be a big rework for them, and people could keep their sense of progresion.


With 5 to 10 hours or more between the most meaningful abilities and the majority coming in the last 10 to 15 hours because you’ve got too few abilities spread too thinly across too many levels.

Versus getting abilities that actually have some impact on your character at a steady pace throughout the leveling process.

It all depends on how Blizzard retools talent distribution. Right now a level 6 warrior feels like a more complete spec than a level 40 mage and said warrior’s abilities just add to the game play. Not so for the mage spamming frostbolt or fireball for 20+ hours because all other buttons are practically worthless until 100+.

level 100 would be the comfortable limit
Future expansions … new ways to level up without changing the lvl 100… total everything is farm

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I think that them capping levels at 60 would allow them to do just that in a realistic way. The issue now is that there’s not a feasible way to balance that many abilities across 34 specs for all game modes.

I fully understand the idea of “rolling back” after each expansion can hurt some people’s sense of progression, but after 15 years of this game there has to come a time where we make sacrifices to keep the game mechanically engaging and this is one of those times.

It’s simply not realistic to expect players to go through each and every expansion (and future expansion) as we are now; it’s disjointed, clunky, and terrible from near every perspective.

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Rolling my levels back to sixty does not seem mechanically engaging at all. It will only feel like something is being taken away, like countless things that are being taken away in this game.

To blizzard:

Stop taking things away. People don’t like that!


They always make a mess of things when they change them. The whole point of this needless level squish to the devs is they will not have to fix anything or make older content or leveling relevant. It is all about taking what is in already in place with the least amount of work to make their jobs easier. Rest assured it has NOTHING to do with providing players with a better or more fun experience,


They should just make a whole new game, this one has been changed over and over so much its beyond fixing at this point.


1-60 revamped old world
60-60 all other content in the game, scaled to 60 and completely optional
60-70 a new zone to level in

That’s how I’d like to see it

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Yet another revamped old world would be miserable.

It’s far better to get revamped zones as they’re relevant to the story in the way we have Darkshore and Arathi. We know the technology is there, it just needs to get pushed to the rest of the game.

Compared to modern levering zones, the cata zones are already miserable to play in. We need new life in this game. And yes, in whatever theoretical expansion this is, the old zones would be revamped to reflect said expansion (and the effects of Bfa)

Hopefully they don’t, since squishing addresses pretty much none of the problems at all.


if they squish i’m for sure quitting… Just one of those ideas that sound good on paper but will be executed very poorly, just like their ilvl squishes. The ilvl squish has tanked so many markets, who wants to spend gold for an item that offers 2 more main stat or in certain cases you got lower ilvl items actually giving you more stats.


Man, I don’t care what the devs think, I worked so hard to get from 1 to 120, and I mean, earning all 120 levels.


And I never once mentioned that as an option.

The entire system needs revamped into one that makes sense for our levels and can grow with us. One that shows you a clear path, has talents and abilities and possibly adding in Azerite type traits so that it’s rewarding and engaging.

And yet we have Azerite traits and we had artifact talents… :thinking:

Think of what they could do by adding in some of the already existing things they have. It can work and it’s not that complex.

Which is not an issue with the number of levels. It’s an issue with the craptastic talent system.


Once is fine… but think of the children!! er. I mean, alts! I can’t stomach more than one 120… but, that’s just me!